Picked up my 617


New member


You are going to like it!

I have the same barrel length 617. Nice trigger on mine. Hope your's is also.



New member
Well a good time was had by all. My wife came along and burned her share of targets.

It is a six shooter. Considering this gun is rare as hens teeth, I had to snap it up. As it urns out it was the right choice.

The gun is very well balanced and points easily. For a smaller person the long fully lugged barrel might be a bit front heavy. For my tastes it is just about right.

The trigger is as good as other 617s I've tried both in double and single action. I'd guess the double action weighs in at ~10 pounds or so.

Because I'm an old guy with shaky hands and bad eye sight, the gun is miles more accurate than I am. Still neither of us had problems keeping it on target at 15 and 20yds. (As of a couple years ago my wife is a better handgun shot than I am).

As with most S&W revolvers, this is a solidly built gun and lock up is just as solid. I look forward to giving this gun to one of the great grand kids.

On edit, make that I look forward to giving it to one of them many years from now.:)
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New member
I admit to having had severe 'buyer's remorse' after buying my new 4" 617 9/08. Well, the remorse was over the timing of the purchase, not the purchase. I kept asking myself, "Why did I wait so long??". Seriously, anyone 'on the fence', find yourself a 617 - length and capacity being for you to decide on. They are worth whatever they cost these days. True shooting fun that employs somewhat more frugal ammo. It still pings a plate, even if it won't drop many, and it certainly makes a hole in a target. Congratulations on a fine revolver!


PS With that barrel, you could shoot in one time zone - and have that muzzle in another one!