Picked up first handgun today. W. German p226


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I grew up shooting nothing but deer rifles my entire life. My father considered pistols and semi automatics in general to be "unsafe" and never bought me a handgun in his name when I was under age. Many years later I was finally in a position to purchase. Settled on the p226. Mine is a LEO trade in/surplus for $425 from Wideners. The rails on the frame are still matte black like the rest of the frame. Has lots of holster wear but I think it adds some character.





any marks on the frame rails is light reflecting off the grease. The grip screws have some surface rust after the complete teardown and degreasing. Didn't think to put any oil on them or rub the silicone cloth over the grips so don't give me any crap!
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New member
Congrats! Nothing like starting out with one of the finest combat pistols ever made! I have a couple P226s myself. Enjoy shooting it.


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One of the very best pistols ever made. Only downside is that it will probably be difficult to ever find anything better now.


New member
My P226 is the best shooter I have, out of 13 handguns. I can drill a 1 inch shoot-n-see patch at 7 yards no problem with it. I have put 50 rounds through a single hole (with a couple of fliers, of course) at the same distance. Not bragging, as I am not a terrific shot. It is just a very easy gun to shoot well. I love that gun.


New member
I've only shot my dad's s&w m29 in .44 mag, a glock 21 and s&w sigma. I was actually able to shoot 5'' groups at 10 yards with the p226. pics at the top