Picked up an H&K P7PSP today


New member
I have been eyeballing these guns for some time, so to celebrate getting my CCW today, I drove straight from the sheriff's office to my favorite dealer, and picked up an A-Grade. Of course, to celebrate all that, I drove right to the range :D. WOW! What a great shooting pistol! It has an appearance that only its momma could love, but as easy as it was to keep my shots in the 9 ring at 15 yards, I think this gun and I are going to be friends for a long time.

Anyone have advice for a new P7 owner (issues, do's, don'ts, etc.)?



New member
Anyone have any OWB holster recommendations? It has a rather narrow width, and I'd like to find a holster that will retain that low profile.


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Congrats on both your CCW and a fine carry pistol. I've got the M8 and PSP and love them both. I actually prefer the PSP for carry though due to the mag release. The only advice I can give you is to pick up a couple more P7's. That way while at the range you can shoot one while the others cool down. :D I carry mine in the K&D Eagle Defender. http://www.kdholsters.com/basefile/owb-defend.html


New member
Do: Get your holster order in now.
Don't: Expect to receive a holster anytime soon :p.

Actually, you can check with Top Gun Supply. He has had some KD holsters on order, so you can save some of the wait time by ordering from him.


New member
I just got mine off of WildAlaska here on the forum myself lol .
As far as do's and dont's goes ,

Do clean the gas cylinder with a solvent and the brush ( you did get the brush didnt you ? ) every time you shoot it . HK as well as others make scrapers for the cylinder if you get a carbon build up ( you shouldnt if you clean it properly , but none the less it is an issue ) and in fact hk shipped them as part of the p7m8 kit so you might look at picking up a properly fitted scraper ( dont grind a screwdriver down yourself lol ) . If hk is out i know a guy who makes and markets good ones so drop me a pm since i wont advertise him on the board .
Dont leave oil in the cylinder , or on the gas piston since it will just burn to carbon that will gum things up and create more wear . Dont shoot Lead ammo , use only jacketed ( between the poly rifleing , and the gas port Lead ammo is not a good idea.
To remove the grips , take the screw out , lift on the part of the grip that protrudes along the frame while pulling foreward untill it pops loose , its a knack and does not take a lot of force .. force a grip off and you ruin it ( at least eventualy ) .
Dont set around manipulating the cocking lever and releasing it ( gripping and de cocking the gun ) without dry fireing since some folks who have report parts breakage within a few thousand reps . ( Dry fireing does not seem to hurt anything , just reports of breakage with repetitave consistant cocking and de cocking ).

As a final note Wild just ran a pretty good sale on holsters both IWB and OWB that are made for this handgun there is a thread here , or contact Wildalaska if you need what looks to be an affordable quality leather holster with a reasonable wait time .


New member
ROFLMAO wild , if you do , make it a weekend project ... it seems truly a " bluied steel razor edged jig saw that is held in place by weak guard springs ... kinda like a colt woodsman , only more so LOL.


New member
Wow. Thanks for the advice all! I did get the brush, and your cleaning advice is congruent with the salesman's advice, which is comforting. He sold me a tool for cleaning the barrel, because he said I should not use a brass brush in it.

hoytinak said:
pick up a couple more P7's
LOL! I better start playing the lottery...

PSP - is that K&D holster the Eagle Defender model? Looks nice.
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New member
Congrats. Those are sweet. I am hoping to shoot one for the 1st time next month. Who knows - maybe I will get hooked!


New member
[QUOTEPSP - is that K&D holster the Eagle Defender model? Looks nice.][/QUOTE]

Yes. Can be had as mine or with a thumb strap, but the fit is good enough you don't need one.