Picked up a Winchester 94 today need some advice


New member
My uncle passed away about 2 weeks ago and he left me a Winchester Model 94 and a 12 gauge Remington Model 31. The Winchester was made in 1950 and I dont know when the Remington was made. They both have rust pitting on the barrels, receivers and trigger assembly. Should I have a gunsmith inspect both for proper functionality and have him clean em?


New member
I wouldn't let a gunsmith near them unless you suspect something is amiss. You can clean them yourself.


New member
Sorry for your loss.

I think I have more knowledge than most of the gun smiths around here.
Clean them yourself.
Then feed them some dummy rounds.
IF you don't see anything wrong, or have a reason to believe they were put away broke, shoot them.


New member
I am a collector of older rifles and often encounter firearms in this condition. I would suggest you clean them yourself and learn more about your guns, Rust is easily removed by 3x steel wool soaked with WD-40. Rub just enough to remove the rust. Nothing will make the blueing removed by the rust return to factory new condition. However rust is a cancer that must be stopped. I would highly suggest you not refinish or reblue or overly rehabilitate these guns. When you do you remove forever the guns history. The 30-30 is an excellent woods knock about gun and a top SHTF gun. The Remington model 31 is a top firearm that is an under appreciated quality shotgun. First and foremost make sure the guns are unloaded before any repairs are attemped.


New member
You can do it yourself

Rifles and shotguns are basically simple machines. As with anything mechanical going slow and being organize are the keys to success. Most old hunting rifles and shotguns need only a good cleaning and correct lubing to function fine.

All the information you need to disassemble, clean and reassemble can be found on line. The fine folks here on The Firing Line are very helpful and are willing to share a lifetime of experience.

The sad truth about GOOD Gunsmiths is that they are very hard to find.
If a gunsmith is really good his back log of work could easily be over a year. If gunsmith can get right to it, he very well may be no good.:barf:

Unless you have a personal relationship with a really good gunsmith you are best off to service the weapons yourself.

Please forgive the general nature of the gunsmith statements but it is the truth as I have paid for it.

Once again sorry for your loss,