Picked up a new .264...now a scope


New member
Today i went to cabelas and picked up a remington CDL .264 Winchester Magnum and now i need a scope and im wonder what to get any suggestions.


New member
Common question, common follow-up questions:

Budget? Expected range? Reticle preferences? Turret preferences? Weight/size requirements?


New member
I would recommend a Leupold Vari XII or a Bushnell Elite 4200 as the are excellent scopes and can be bought for $300 or slightly less.


New member
How much do you want to spend

if you want the best, and money is no object, get a Nightforce NXS, US Optics, or Leupold MKIV. You will not be disappointed. Any of those will complement your flat shooting long range cartridge. Also, remember to buy high quality bases and mounts. For $2,000.00 you cant get really nice stuff.


New member
well 2000 is a little out of my price range i was looking for sumthing more under $700 becasue i want something good that will last forever.


New member
If it were up to me....

...I'd say get a Leupold or possibly a Leupold. If I couldn't find one of those right away I'd hunt around for a Leupold. Around 3 x 9 x 40 suits me. I don't care for monstrous scopes.;)


New member
Zeiss Conquest, I agree with the other poster. It has been, hands-down, the best bang-for-the-buck scope I've purchased. I picked up a 3-9x40, with the RapidZ reticle. I love it!


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I'll add to the fray... Nikon. I feel like I've gotten every pennies worth out of my Buckmaster and my Monarch scopes (and a Pro Staff now that I think of it.) For $700 bucks, you can get any one of a number of higher end Nikons. I've got some Leupolds that do great too, but Nikons have been just as good for less money.