Picked up a Model 94 Big Bore 375 today!


New member
I had never heard of the 94 Big Bores or the 375 Win caliber when I spotted this one at my LGS about a month ago...

After seeing it I was curious. So after going home and researching them I was enamored!

Long story short, I brought it home today. Dealer claimed it to be unfired, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised, it's that clean.

Bought the rifle for $750, a pound of powder for it, and the dealer threw in 26 rounds of Winchester factory ammo for free! I was very happy with the deal. I really like this rifle and can't wait to try it out!



New member
375 Win.

I've had 2 Win. 94 Big Bore 375s. I got both on trades. This is back in 80s when
they 1st. came out. Guys had bought them not realizing trajectory of 375BB. I shot both these rifles and they were accurate. Never scoped one. Back at this
time there was no real use for this gun in Ohio where I live. We had first rifle
deer season last year. Limited low-vel cals. and 375 BB was one of them. Guns
like yours were bringing $1000-1200. One guy who traded his to me clear back
in 80s actually called me to inquire if I still had it and would I sell or trade it!
Unfortunately I had offed them years ago. I think it would be the best Ohio deer
gun you could buy!


New member
i shoot the hornady 220gr FP with a healthy dose of RL 7, with reciever sights i have shot 3/4 groups at 75yds. out of a marlin. eastbank.

Peter M. Eick

New member
I have looked at 375's and 38/55's for years and never took the plunge. Every time I see one I go dang, I really need one of those!

Thanks for the picture.
I have one of the Big Bore .307's similar to the .300 Savage in performance, I've taken several deer each a one shot kill. They are quality rifles, outstanding accuracy, too bad more of them weren't built. Mine is like new and I wouldn't sell it for three times what I paid for it!! William
very nice... I'd personally like to add a 375 Winchester or 405 to my collection...

I already reload for the 375 as I have a Contender barrel in that caliber... ( it's a handful )


New member
Thanks for all the compliments folks! :)

I can't wait to shoot it! But we have been in a bi of a deep freeze up here in northern NY the last couple of days... -15 over night!! A little too cold for shooting for my taste.

But I will certainly post up how it goes when I get it to the range! I hope I can get it sighted in pretty close for 75yds or so with the 26 rounds I have at this time. I am a reloader, so I will be getting my dies and other tooling soon. But that danged old brass and bullets!! LOL! I just hope that at least some bullets come into stock before next deer season... I'm sure 26 brass will last me awhile.. But ideally I would like to pick up 100 more...
Not trying to rain on your parade but brass may be a problem as I under stand it, Winchester doesn't have any time table to make brass for these calibers. You might contact and query them and keep in mind if you find any brass jump on it. Just checked Gunbroker 50 rounds Virgin $93.50, another fellow had 50 rounds $105.00.. They may have ammunition too but it may be 15 years or older!! Another possibility will be neck up the .358 case.. William
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New member
Yes Sir... components seem to be very much a challenge.

But I got lucky and brought home 26 rounds of factory 375 Win ammo with the rifle. If I can get bullets, I can get some life out of those 26 brass.

I have had correspondence with Starline about 375 brass and they told me they hope to start making some this year. A member on another shooting forum was told the same thing! This gives me hope! Would be great if Starline started running 375 brass if even on a seasonal basis. Then we wouldnt be limited to just one supplier.

I thoroughly researched this caliber before making the purchase and was fully aware of the scarcity of ammo and components. It's just such a cool cartridge I had to have it, despite the scavenger hunt to feed it. ;)
Another possibility is 38/55 cases they share the same size diameter and head thickness, diameter .506" rim thickness .063, the 38/55 is .060 longer in case length it may be doable!! William
If Starline does decide to fill this niche it would be another reason to purchase their line of brass, starline is one of two cases I use for my 45ACP the other is W-W, I like both. You may be all right if you don't have the reloading skills yet if you want to shoot the rifle bad enough you will develop them!! Good Luck!! William


New member
I hope RIDE-RED 350r

Jumps on them. I already had this fight with a 30-40 krag with limited run. I could kick myself for passing on it back in May and ended up paying 60 cents a piece for used range brass last weekend.


New member
I wonder if they really have it in stock or it will be one of those deals where you place the order then they email you telling you they really don't have it?? Guess I'll find out... Thanks for the lead my good man!!.