pick your brain please


New member
Just my opinion but seems like a lot of gun. Must be a big boy, that or he'll definately have to grow into it.


New member
no he not a big boy just about normal size but thats what i was kinda what i was worried about i dont want him to get gun shy ! thank you !


New member
he is also hunng up with the .243 he has killed 4 deer with a .243 so he thinks thats all there is but im open to all sugestion


New member
I am gonna say that I would consider it to be too much. Now a CZ in 7.62x39 with the right stock would be a decent choice for a small young shooter if it were needed for white tail sized or smaller game. Make sure with whatever to double up the hearing protection. I have noticed several young shooters with a flich from the loud report, and no recoil.
If it is just for a learning to shoot a cenerfire for targets and plinking a .223 would work just fine. Not to mention cheaper ammo that is more commonly available at most stores that sell ammo.


New member
i bought my son a .243 H&R Handi Rifle when he was ten. A 7mm-08 isnt much diffrence. I think a .223 isnt enough gun assuming its legal there. If i had it to do over again i would have gotten him the 7mm-08, but the .243 is a fine caliber for deer.


New member
If he is doing so well with the .243 why do you want him to go to a bigger caliber?
The 7mm 06 will only push the same bullet weight as the 243 a couple of hundred FPS faster so there won’t be that much difference in recoil. The big thing would be to stay with lighter bullets.
243 100 GR Max velocity = 3100
7mm 08 100 GR Max velocity = 3277
This is data taken from HODGDON web and only shows the max velocity achieved with a 100 GR bullet for each.
Has he shot bigger guns?
I would think that gun shyness shouldn’t be that big of a problem if he has taken that much game already. Find something he can try and let him make the decision. To me the sharpness of the recoil is a lot worse than the energy. I have shot thousands of 30-06 with steel but plated military rifle's over the past 30 years and recoil never bothered me once.
A friend last year asked me to help him with hunting loads for a 7mm Rem MAG. This was a light weight hunting rifle. 3 rounds were enough for me, I hurt for 2 days. Then again the gun didn’t fit me worth a hoot.
That brings up another point. If he is not that big, having a gun that is too long will make the recoil, any recoil worse.
What did you do for length on the 243?
Personally I think that it’s really neat that you have a 10 year old that is that gun savvy to have taking that many deer.
Sounds like you have made a good father son combination. Good for you.:)

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Another vote to let him stay with the .243. I've tagged over a couple-dozen bucks with mine. I've gone to a 7mm08 in lieu of a much-heavier '06, but absent long-range on big deer, the .243 is as good as any.


New member
I had a Browning A-bolt Micro-Medallion in 7mm-08 and it is the perfect gun (caliber) for a young boy or a woman. Light, plenty of power and range and still doesn't kick very much at all. And the 140 gr is the right bullet.

A .243 works okay on small deer but on a huge Wisconsin buck you're pushing it.


New member
ozzie the only reason i am considering another caliber is that my son has taken a likeing to lever action and im kinda limited on choices in the .243 with savage and browing the only two i know that might have something in his size so thats why im looking toward other calibers eny other suggestion i would love to hear thank yall i added a picture of his first and only buck he got now he thinks this is what he is suppose to kill all the time and that dont happen around here all the time


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New member
There's a good reason to talk him into his next rifle.
"Son, that lever action you like so much just isn't available in .243. You're getting to be a young man, now, so you can step up to a bit more gun..."


New member
Isn't this about the time all the girls are bigger than the boys?Then in a few years they start to eat,grow,have zits,and occasionally smell like a billy goat?
I'm thinking about fit.I remember trying to keep up with buying baby shoes.I believe having a rifle fit plays many very important roles.
I believe,so long as it is a reasonable choice,caliber,or cartridge,is not so important.
If he likes levers,some of the 92 carbine clones or a marlin in .357 might be an enjoyable shooter.Maybe not the greatest deer round,That .243 seems to work.A collapsable stock M-4 in 6.5 Grendel would probably make him happy.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
My kid had the usual quota of "I want..." He learned all about, "Well, maybe later--but not now." There are birthdays, Christmases and "just because". They happen every year. Think "incentive". A kid making high grades in school and being helpful around the house with chores is more deserving of another rifle than otherwise. :)


New member
I don't see a big enough difference in bullet grain sizes to have to switch from a .243 to a 7-08.

Then again, I would certianly want the extra 30 grains a 7-08 has when shooting at the mid-west white tails.

I see the .270 is a popular round for lower recoil as well.
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