Pick Al Gore's running mate at www.monster.com

Jack 99

New member
This should be interesting. Check out who's in first place.

For those who don't know, www.monster.com is the world's largest, most trafficked employment website. The current poll is to pick Gore's running mate.

Couple of things: This should be a pretty good measure of the popular opinion of Gore's potential running mates. The people coming to Monster should reflect a true cross section of America since they're coming there for only one reason, to look for a job. Second, traffic is high enough to get a reasonably valid statistical sample.

Jim March

New member
I'd love to see Gore pick DiFi.

See, if Gore wins, we're screwed regardless. If his pick is DiFi and they both go down in flames, it helps drive a stake through the heart of the idea that "gun control noises help politicians".

Boys, if that idea tanks, we've won.



New member
I saw on another board that some group was pushing Jocelyn Elders (sp?) for VP.

Dear God, if only . . .

David Roberson

New member
Interesting how the "comments" section of the poll contains messages that can almost all be lumped into three categories:

1) Clinton sucks and so does Gore.
2) Gore is a liar.
3) All politicians are scum.

If this is a cross-section of the folks who are willing to register their opinions about The Evil One's running mate, then Al is in a world of trouble.

And NOTA is still in first place in the polling.


New member
Years ago, when Kalifornia was still spelled with a "C", someone broached this idea:

On every State and Federal ballot, there would always be a NOTA running for the office. If NOTA won, there would be a runoff, with the losing parties having to run new candidates.

Of course it died aborning since that would wreck the lock the two-party system had on the electorate.

Wish someone who was running an underdog campaign would try it again.