Pick a .45...Sig 220...HK USPc or a G21...


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If money wasnt an object & you liked all three guns which .45 would you pick ??

The gun would be used for range & home SD purposes not carry...Thanks...
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Glock's for me are not even an issue. I can't shoot them worth a damn and theye feel like a 2X4 in my hand.

For those who shoot them and like them, more power to you.


New member
If money is no object, why not all three?

If forced to choose, I would get the USPc because I prefer the cocked and locked option in a tough as hell, reliable and light platform. All are great pistols in their respective niches.
posted by vyper005:
Damn...Have enough HK's Strapped ??

No way!!! There is such thing as too many HKs. I have only been 'collecting' the HKs for about 16 mos now. I still have to get a bunch of rifles, then its onto the sub guns. Its no wonder I drive a pinto!


New member
Caps! Caps! I bust 'em every day
I bust 'em every day in a m!@#$%&@&#$% way
Cocked & locked & ready to rock
Heckler & Koch--Not a m#%^#*&!$%%^ Glock! ;)

Umm...now that that's off my chest...I like cock & lock in a small, lightweight platform so that leaves just the USP Compact, though a KZ45 Compact would have been ideal.

A singlestack Glock .45 tactical/practical would be really nice to have though!


New member
Trust me, if you want to save yourself a lot of time, money, and aggravation......buy the Glock 21.


New member
Insightful argument you two. ;)

If one has an aversion to Glocks in general or the G21 is too large for your hands its not a good choice. Personally, I find the Glock 21 to be the easiest shooting full size regular production .45. I simply enjoy shooting the G21 more and sometimes even more than a 1911. With +P rounds the G21 handles the best out of the 3 for me. I've shot both the USP and P220 on many occasions and they are both wonderful modern .45 autos. Accuracy for me is about the same for all 3 models. What I dislike are the high bore axis of the P220 and USP which causes higher muzzle flip than the G21. I've also come to dislike DA/SA pistols in general due to the transition. Follow up shots were simply faster with the G21 for me and the G21 has the longest barrel of the 3. Not by much but I'll take it.

My choice Glock 21.


New member
I've owned all three.
All are dang fine guns, you can NOT go wrong if picking from these three.;)

1) Sig 220
3) Glock 21


New member
I say the HK simply because it's smaller than the 220 and about the size of a 225. I feels very good in the hand and balances pretty well too. The Sig would be my next choice.


New member
If I had to choose from those 3, I would probably have to take the Sig. The G21 is a softer shooter but I just can't stand the feel. Probably would pick it over a USP though.


I'm tempted to say, ...

... "if price is no object," but for the nonLexis set, which is most of us, it usually is. If $$$ really doesn't matter, then get the HK compact. The one I handled briefly fit my hand well. But when informed that mags were running something like $50 a pop, my wallet suddenly got a bad cramp and doubled over. I handed back the HK and the snooty counterguy immediately got an attitude and wiped it down, as if my working-class fingerprints had somehow left smudges. :rolleyes: (And here I thought it was hard to smudge up polymer).

For most, that leaves the choice squarely between the Sig and the Glock.

For "range & home SD purposes," the Glock will give you more capacity between reloads, either 10 or 13 depending on if you can access the hi-cap prebans. This is a nice feature to have at the range - less time loading-up mags is more time spent shooting. The Sig is extremely accurate and reliable.

Perhaps the most important issue here is hand-fit, as both guns embody radically different ergonomics. My 10mm G-20 has the same size frame as the 21, but I have big hands, so the large-framed Glock fits me well. OTOH, I've carried a Sig220, and of all the Sigs I've shot the 220's grip felt the best in my hands.

HTH. :) As always, YMMV.