Photos from a weekend of long-range shooting in NM


New member
Nice rifles. Got a question. All sound suppressors are available to class III weapons licensed users only right? If you don't have a class III weapons license it's against the law right?

Zak Smith

New member
Hanging armor steel plates from about 150 to 700 yards, between 1 and 2 MOA in size. Follow the link to the match page for more information.

Here's last year's match report, which has links to prior years' reports.


article | Colorado Multigun 2008 Steel Safari Practical Rifle Match

Zak Smith

New member
Nice rifles. Got a question. All sound suppressors are available to class III weapons licensed users only right? If you don't have a class III weapons license it's against the law right?
No such thing as a "class III weapons licensed user."

Class 3 is type of SOT (special occupation tax) required for an FFL (of the appropriate type) to be a dealer in NFA items. Class 2 is the type of SOT required to manufacture NFA items.

Individuals who possess NFA items must have an approved Form 4 (or Form 1 if they manufactured it themselves).

So basically, as long your state does not outlaw silencers on its own, all you need to do to purchase one is buy one from your local Class 3 (NFA) dealer and complete the Form 4 properly (along with paying the one-time $200 transfer tax). When it comes back from ATF, you keep a copy of the approved Form 4 with the suppressor and you take possession of it.



New member
Oh, didn't know about the class 3 thing. I guess i'll look into it. Not that much into a silencer but i like the idea of reduced muzzle flash, lower recoil, and sound suppression. Thanks for the info. Just researched to see if they are legal for MS, might look into later on.
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New member
Lol i would love to have a shot at course like that even if i missed every target well with the exception of hitting one.


Look here, for the states that allow unlicensed civilians to own silencers. MO and KS recently changed their laws to allow silencer ownership.

Using a silencer on a high powered rifle is really kick-ass. Unfortunately I am not able to enjoy using my home made silencers much as WA bans use.
