Photos from a weekend of long-range shooting in NM

Zak Smith

New member
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For the UKD field portion (pictured above), the targets were generally 6x12 or 12x12 hanging steel plats, with a few smaller or larger, out to 725. Two of us were shooting straight 260REM rifles, and the Surgeon/A5 rifle is a 6.5-08AI (ie, 260 Improved).

On the KD range, we shot 400 to 1000, 1340, and 1760 (1 mile). The 1340 target (approx 2' square) was boring to hit with the 338 Lapua rifles and the 50. It was very challenging to hit with the 308, but I was able to tag it 3/5ths of the time once I figured out the elevation required (happened to be 13.9 mils from a 100-yard zero shooting the 155 Lapuas). Both the 338's and the 50 tagged the mile target at least once.