Photos from a couple days of scouting and shooting in NM

Zak Smith

New member
Photos from two days of scouting and shooting at a private ranch in NM. Stay tuned--
We're running a match here in 2008.

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The K.D. range has targets every 100 from 400 to 1000, then 1350 and 1760. The 6.5x47 shooting factory ammo made it to 1350 no problem. I managed a first-round hit at 1760 with the 338LM, but the next two were misses.

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You da man! :)

Nice Parker Hale Bipod :D

Wildgotanynewsaboutdatting?Alaska TM

PS encouraging to see that...ahem....extra around the middle of that fella...there is hope for me


It's an AI bipod.

Ah....a copy of the Parker Hale :)

Let me know about Da Ting...:)

So last week AI was demoing some .338 lapuas up in Fairbanks for the a frantic call asking me if I had any ammo...ya see, they air'ed the guns up...

But they couldnt air the ammo...:p

Now me having the only 338 lapua ammo in the state :)

But it was 300 grainers (Sierra Moly coated)...and they led me to beleive they wouldnt work in the guns (they are even a bit too long for the Blasers)...

So they flew a guy up here...

with the right ammo:D

WildjustananecdoteAlaska TM

PS..if anybody wants to find me at Shot Show and im not in our booth, Ill be down either at Blaser or Lapua ;)

Zak Smith

New member
I've shot the 300's in my AI, loaded to mag length, no problems. I have not tried them lower than about 4000' altitude, however.