Photo Fuss: What's the BFD?


New member
Ok, I have to vent.

Maybe I missed something.

I don't understand what the big fuss is over the photo that's being used by the Bush campaign to raise funds. Until Al Gore, and the media engine, made an issue of it, I never would have known that the particular photo of W. had any connection to 9/11.

All I see is a picture of the President doing his job.

And even if they DO make a correlation between the Bush administration's handling of the crisis, and a photograph, what of it? Given that the Bush administration has been so consumed by the events of post-9/11, what photo were they supposed to use?

I have a theory.

The dems are all up in arms (no pun intended) because they just didn't have anything comparable to offer up as a fundraiser. I think they're just jealous.

I mean, really... what photos could the Democrats possibly use to raise money? Bill gettting oral sex in the Oval Office? Bill and Hillary ransacking the White House of china and silverware? Hillary hugging Arafat's wife? Gore in a computer lab, in the midst of inventing the internet?

This is sounding to me more like desperation tactics, because the Democrats have nothing to offer us in the next election, than anything else. Either that, or it's just sour grapes over Florida, in truly mature Democratic fashion... WAAAHHH... we don't get as much media coverage as the President... WAAAHHH we want more seats in Congress...

Sounds to me like the real disgusting behavior going on here isn't coming out of the White House.

Am I off base here?


New member
Hi Rovert! What is going on? Long time no see! Anyway, the big fuss is that the Democraps feel that President Bush's reaction to the events of that day was cowardly and suspect. Therefore, they feel that the picture casts a heroic and unrealistic appearance on Bush. That is why they are up in arms about it. Me? I think it is a great picture. That is just me though.


New member
Greetings, Rovert!

Let the Dems caterwaul all they want. I wouldn't have even seen the photo if they hadn't.


- pdmoderator


New member
Well, I mean... it's not like Bush was charging people to have photos taken at a National Monument, like some OTHER politicians have...

New sloagan for the Lefties:

"Here at the Democratic Party, we don't fix the problems, we fix the blame"

Mike in VA

New member
Sour grapes, pure & simple. Trying to find a nice way of saying chicken manure. Like they (Dems) wouldn't have been rolling on AlGore (ha HA Ha) being executival and leaderly under the same circumstances. Yeah, it's tacky, but isn't 'tacky politician' redundant?

Personally, I'm a whole lot more comforatble with W on watch than Al:rolleyes: NumbwhatImean?

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
The extreme leftists are just snivelling and whining because they don't have anyone to turn the White House into a Motel 6. They'll get over it.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
After Bill charged guests money to stay the night in the Lincoln bedroom (public property) and Daschle charged $5000 a head for a tour of Mount Rushmore and a fundraising party on the premises, I don't see the big deal about using a photo taken by a White House photographer, but whatever.

But I can see their point about exploiting 9/11. Clearly, if there's a big problem when you're President and you deal well with it, it would be unethical to point that out to people. :rolleyes: We all know Lincoln was very quiet in 1864 about winning the Civil War, and of course Roosevelt probably didn't mention WWII. Right?

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
The Dems are just jealous. Situation reversed, they'd do the same sort of deal, and send James Carville out to "explain" if any Republican objected...



Moderator Emeritus
Maybe it's time to resurrect an old Clinton photo.

This is a nice one of the Pres and his Missus in Vietnam. They are both sporting clothing very reminicent of the black pajamas worn by the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War. Here we see Billybob examining the remains of an American Soldier. :mad:



New member
Had no one complained, I don't think I would have seen it either.

I kinda like the photo...anyone know the asking price?


New member
I always LOVED that pic!! Thanks!

(check out the Playboy bunny ears on the lamp)(Immorality in the Whitehouse perhaps?)

Jeff Thomas

New member
Destructo6, my understanding is that you receive that photo and 2 others for a $150 contribution. Contact the Republican Party for details.

As to the debate, I think this shows just how desperate the Democrats really have become. I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.

Regards from AZ


New member
The DemoRATS are getting ridiculous......and who gives a damn what Al Gore thinks about anything....They are also wearing out this deal about the White House being warned of possible highjackings related to that loser Osama.....PLEASE never to my knowledge until 9/11 has a plane been used as a missle to destroy so many lives and so much property so I don't see how a typical highjack warning would have made anyone think in terms of what actually happened........Ya and if this or that did or didn't happen the Buffalo Bills would have a ton of Super Bowl rings too.. :rolleyes:


New member
OK, Dems...

do you REALLY want to talk about famous phone calls? How about the one discussing US troop deployments while being fellated by an intern under the desk?