Photo bucket

long rider

New member
A long time ago i posted pics from the photo bucket
but now i have forgot how to get pics over from PB
to the FL buy & sell, i did jot it down but my wife well
say no more on that one, so i just want to know how to
get pics over, i have pics in PB allready, so some one
please thanks.:confused:


New member
You don't need to go through the forum image thingy. Just copy the img tag under your pic from photobucket and paste it in your text box. Instant pic.


New member
Make sure to choose the "image code" it will look like this.




New member
Be advised that for some reason PhotoBucket does not like pictures of weapons and will delete them. It seems to be random and the more pictures there are the faster they get deleted.

long rider

New member
I have not had any probs before with photo bucket,
but i will take your word on that TS, which does not
surprise me, well if that happens to me they will not
get my biss.:mad: thanks TS us AZ guys gotta stick


New member
Be advised that for some reason PhotoBucket does not like pictures of weapons and will delete them. It seems to be random and the more pictures there are the faster they get deleted.

Maybe if you have your albums public. 99.5% of my pb pics are weapons but my albums are all private and I have 100's of gun pics.


New member
Photobucket has a 'feature' that allows people to 'report inappropriate content'. It is not unreasonable to expect that pictures of guns in the public domain will attract a few crackpot reports which, when exceeding some predetermined level, will result in pictures being deleted.

I seriously doubt that Photobucket has a corporate policy of deleting gun pictures, but I could easily believe that there are a number of anti-gun types that push that report button whenever they encounter a gun picture. That would account for the apparently random nature of the occurrence.

Just keep the pictures in the private section.


New member
Be advised that for some reason PhotoBucket does not like pictures of weapons and will delete them. . .

Not my experience at all. My albums are public and contain well over 300 images. All have been visited frequently, and are still there.


New member
long Rider

308 ishapore

Bought it from aimsurplus a few years back. Had it all the metal parts reparked. Cleaned stripped the stock then oiled the stock with 5 or 6 coats.

It turned a little glossy so I guess i did one to many coats.

Nite Ryder

New member
Photo Bucket

Quote by Tombstonejim:
Be advised that for some reason PhotoBucket does not like pictures of weapons and will delete them. It seems to be random and the more pictures there are the faster they get deleted.

Just before the Nov 14th election, I had photos of over 125 of my firearms posted on Photobucket. I never had a problem with even one being removed. I took them all off after the election, no telling if some government agency is keeping track of who has what. Now I have photos of mostly cowboy shooters posted.


New member
My free Photobucket account has a statistics feature that I only recently noticed. It's a "stats dashboard" of the number of views of all of my picture files that I've ever posted in any forum post. Evidently, everytime a forum page opens with a Photobucket picture file on it, it's recorded by Photobucket and kept as a record. And Photobucket offers an expanded version of the dashboard to account holders for an extra fee.
And Photobucket has never created any problem about my posting any pictures with my free account.