phone auto-dialers for activism use?


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Any leads to "telemarketing" devices?

Looking for a device in which one can plug in several hundred phone #s, turn it on & walk away so it'll play a recorded message to rcepients. (Yes, yes, these are all phone #s that we have received voluntarily who wish to be called)

After running through all the "box stores," etc., I ran against a brick wall & lots of blank stares (what can one expect from a "sales specialist" whose last job was delivering pizzas? :(

Did get one tip (running that down 8/18) re Personal Communications Systems out of Winston-Salem, NC, but no others.

For our activisms, e-mail (& radio) works pretty good but we're missing well over 1/2 of "our people" as they are not dialed into the 'net but still want the info, etc. ... we need streamlined expansion & fast mobility.

Thanks in advance for any leads.