Pheonix Arms .22 ?


New member
I was at the gun shop yesterday looking for a Kel Tec PF9, they were on order. I noticed he had a few Pheonix Arms .22s and they were priced below $100. :cool: I am thinking of getting one for a plinker/ snake gun on the property. Any of you have any experience with these little guns? ThankYou.


New member
I was toying with the idea of getting one a few months ago ... had I run across one for $99 in one of the local stores I probably would have, but before that happened, I ran across a good deal on a buckmark that closed that search. From all that I read, if it lasts through the first session, then you will have a reasonable shooter ... make sure that the guy will take it back if it is a lemon, though ... you won't want to be spending $100 to get it to work reliably if it doesn't out of the box. The other thing is that they have some kind of funky double safety ... many complained about it, but others simply said that it took a little getting used to and then it was fine. I wouldn't expect to be buying a Browning or a Ruger at that price point, though. I haven't even seen one in person, though, so all this is 3rd or 4th hand info ...


Shooter 973

New member
Pheonix Arms 22's

I have a couple of these fine little handguns. :) They were purchased to replace a couple of Jennings 22's:barf: :barf: :barf:. They are much better handguns than the Jennings!!! Of course a rock is better than a Jennings!!! I like the little buggers!!! They are pretty accurate and hold 10 shots, have 3 safeties, and semi-adjustable sights. And they function!!! I have found that the Silver ones(Nickel-ed) work better right out of the box than the Black ones. I have used mine more this summer than any other 22 handguns and made some pretty good shots on a couple of rabbits and a squirrel or two! Mine will even feed that crappy Winchester Expert Ammo from Wally World!!! That stuff can choke a 10/22 !!!:barf: They are NOT target guns but they are good little 22 pocket type guns. I have given them away as gifts and the people who got them have enjoyed them also.
P.S> get a spare mag with the finger extension on it!!! it makes a BIG difference in how the little handgun feels!!!

10 MickeyMouse

New member
I bought one awhile back and it has been a fun little plinker. I removed the mag safety and glued the slide mounted safety in the off position (it kept turning on while firing), leaving only the frame mounted safetey/slidelock. I later bought the 5" barrel and magazine kit. It has proven quite accurate with that setup.

As an aside, the Pheonix uses a relatively soft alloy throughout most of the gun; the underside of the slide is easily marred by the heavily sprung steel hammer. Take a Dremel and carefully round and smooth the hammer where it contacts the slide.


New member
the mag base is made of a soft alloy and I have broken three. the recoil spring is not very durable so get a couple spares. Aside from that it functions fine and the kids like it.

they make a 5" barrel for it that makes i quite accurate.

with this pistol I probably have 2000 rounds thru it with the afore mentioned problems.

I don't trust the safety so I never leave one chambered in it. It is a fun gun only.


New member
Make sure they will take it back if it's a lemon.

A very good friend of mine has one, and it is the worst pistol I have ever fired.

It will stovepipe, double feed, fail to extract, have light strikes, and otherwise malfunction in all of the ways I forgot to mention.

And it will do this all in the same magazine. It's wasn't unusual for every single round in the magazine to have some sort of problem.

I can't remember what the trigger and sights were like, but for accuracy, let's just say that I can fire a slingshot more accurately.