Pheasant season opens


New member
Saturday at noon. BIL and I are going to hopefully KILL something! :D

He has two dogs and there are some pheasants around his part of the state. Nothing like South and North Dakota though... :(


New member
It's bad enough that you even mentioned PHEASANTS.......but if you post pictures of the the birds, especially as they slop around in a plate of gravy right before being lifted on a fork into your mouth.......well if that happens, and the wife sees it.......I'm screwed!!


When I lived in ND decades ago, those wild birds were something else - they could outsmart most dogs

That sure seemed to make them tastier when we we were lucky enough to limit out


We drove though southeastern SD the first day of the season and didn't see any hunters or pheasants. In fact, a 750 mile trip across central/north central Iowa and up to Souix Falls SD produced a single sighting of a single hen and we were looking.
We were glad we didn't invest an extra day and license fees to go hunting on that trip. The guy we went to see north of SF said there were more hunters expected than birds.


New member
Pheasant season (last Saturday) opened at noon and when we drove around there were roosters running all over the place. The DNR had stocked about 3,000 in this area. So we pick a spot and walk to it for the start and a bunch of other hunters follow us and are walking the fields right by us. Hundreds of acres and they have to do that? Duh. In any case no birds for us and later in the day walked through a clover field (easy walking) on the way back. Dog kicked up a rooster right by my feet! Almost flew up my pant leg! I fumbled around and got on it but it was flying real low with the dog running after it directly underneath it. I passed on the shot as I didn't want to kill the dog. BIL had safety problems on his CZ O/U and couldn't get off a shot either. That was it. Lot's of birds, not many shot. But a fun day.