PGO ownership VS. use...

Do you have a PGO grip for your gun?

  • Yes I have one and love it, it is mounted to a gun.

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • Yes, I own multiple and all are mounted... love them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but it is in the drawer or given away etc. won't likely use it... EVER.

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • Nope, don't need 'em.

    Votes: 20 58.8%

  • Total voters


Staff In Memoriam
This is pretty easy and not a bash on anyone... straight forward.
For all to vote in the poll but feel free to reply as well...
I will start it and say I do own a PGO for the Moss 500 but it resides in the dark dank gun cleanin' box...


New member
I bought one for my 500 as well, installed it but after a couple of range trips I ended up getting rid of it. Actually I've tried all different types of stocks/grips for the 500 but ended up going back to the original wood stock (just shortend it an inch).


Like the previous posters, I too, bought a PGO back when I was young and uninformed decades ago....After less than a box of birdshot, a replacement stock was ordered and the PGO is in a drawer with other misc. parts


New member
Is there a PGO bug going around, because I think I caught it


Staff In Memoriam
Well my pic may blow up a monitor but my camera was severe duty...


My gun came back from 10 years in police evidence room following theft with the PGO. I left it on a while waiting on a cheap standard stock and use/d it for gathering snake food and shooting rattle snakes when out and about either hunting or driving near where we run dogs...

Still have the PGO but would need a weird reason to put it back on:D
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Scattergun Bob

New member

A PGO came in the box with the 500 I bought years ago. After my experiences with the Ithaca Stakeout gun, it lives in the file cabinet drawer with all the other scattergun gizmo's that either did not work or just showed up. Perhaps, some day it will be a collectors item and I'll dust it off.

My Best to you, Bob


Staff In Memoriam
Yes it did, Back in 89 it was tuff to find 18 inch barreled guns in the shops... I bought mine as "the campers special" or some such moniker. I put the PG Ar style stock on it for a truck gun hanging in the back window of my dump truck. At night it was the house gun along with a few dozen others.

I had the PGo back on when it was stolen and the crook was kind enuff to buy a nice camo carry case for it which was on it when I got it back from the PD... I told the lady the case wasn't mine but she said in a low voice... "consider it a little interest payment for not having the gun for so long!"


New member
pro patrias a great company. THAT is the real deal. From all accounts PGO's are pretty common in the miliatary right now. NOT in a fighting role though. Mostly as a breach/backup from what I hear.

I don't currently own a PGO but I like them, and my next pumpgun will probably wear one (although I have a full stock back up for it).


New member
I can't imagine being in a war zone with a breacher shotgun as part of my kit, and not keeping a few rounds of 00 buck along with the breacher rounds...and knowing how to shoot them.

Scattergun Bob

New member

I can't imagine being in a war zone with a breacher shotgun as part of my kit, and not keeping a few rounds of 00 buck along with the breacher rounds...and knowing how to shoot them.

Most of the breaching in the military is done with 00 buck, so I guess your obversation is correct.

Good Luck & Be Safe
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New member
I think the discussion is interesting ... ( I like Rabbit pan fired with crispy skin, some mashed potatoes and a little country gravy by the way ...)....and maybe some huckleberry pie ...

But its on the list of guns / gadgets ....I don't need personally.


New member
Don't own a PGO and won't own one either. I have an 870 with the factory folder for compactness reasons but I have fired it with the stock folded ala PGO style. Not comfortable to shoot, not nearly as controlable and not nearly as accurate as a fixed stock. I still have that folding stock and like I said, for tight storage space, it's great but, when it's out of that space, the stock is immediately deployed. You can keep your PGO guns as far as I'm concerned!:barf:


New member
Like most here I don't use them. I HAD a Pistol Grip Stock on a 1100 I use in 3 gun. After practicing with it and shooting it in a few matches I found that I shot high with it and it was not any more controllable or faster to use. I went back to my normal style stock.

When I was still in the Army and in Iraq, we used shotguns to breach. 90% of them were M500's and we used PGO's on them. 00 Buck was the round of choice to breach with but we did use #5 shot that we had. Later on my second deployment we had breaching rounds. The shotguns were not used for anything other than breaching with us. In Afghanistan I would have liked to have one for caves but we did not have any at that time in war.

A shotgun would not be my choice for a PRIMARY combat weapon due to its limited range, slow to reload and weight of ammo. But they do make a nice niche weapon and for CQB they command respect. But I would want one with a regular stock on it and I would want a Semi auto.