PGO and the Trench Coat!


Staff In Memoriam
Time for a "pre-Post" by ye' ol' hogdogs...

Yes I own a Pistol Grip for my 500! It is in the closet in a pocket of my cowboy "duster" coat.

My "Sling" s in the other pocket. My sling is also black and is a luggage strap with metal snaps...

Anyone that knows me, knows that if they see me walkin' up in my duster... Things are about to go south for some goon of society!

As you will find if you research my post history (grab a bag of popcorn cuz it will take a spell), I do have much more practice with a PGO gun than many and will attest to it's uselessness in most situations.

When is it good or better than a traditional stock, you ask...

When i am on the offense and I need to make an aggressive impression immediately...

Will I ever need to do this? I doubt it highly!

If lil' miss.hogdogs comes home and tells me about some young man violating her reputation... I might have to wear that musty smellin' ol' coat!

For DEFENSE, NEVER EVER would I regret having a traditional stock on my HD/SD gun!

Welcome to TFL all ya'll new comers!



New member
I had one for awhile, makes a fun toy to play with. I actually got better with it than I thought I could, but I was using birdshot only. Running buck thru it was unpleasant.


New member
Can't attest to the use of a pistol grip shotgun, but I will say that you can conceal almost any firearm in a trench coat or duster. I used to carry a machete in mine when I worked out in the woods with a friend.


Staff In Memoriam
Well the thread was sort of a tongue in cheek thing... Basically, I just meant it to suggest that a defensive shotgun will be of best service with a traditional stock design...:D;)
