PETAs New Anti-Hunting Poster


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I guess if you can't beat them, join them.


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New member
I like hunting just how it is, but I've always thought that to make hunting really interesting, we should genetically engineer some killer mutant baboons or something. Now that would be a challenge. :p


New member
I think that one is legal to own since it's .22 caliber or less.

I know one guy to hunts hogs with a knife. Now THAT'S sport!


New member
Not really all that funny, especially considering that some of the more radical enviroloonies out there have been rumored to go on "hunter hunts."


New member
Does anyone find it ironic that the critter pictured is wearing a nazi style helmet...

On a related topic...I was enjoying a foaming beverage at my local tavern yesterday, watching a hunting show on ESPN. As Bambi gets clipped by a youngster with a 30.06, a fellow swiller at the bar gets all indignant and vocal, 'can we please get something else besides the animal killing channel?' There were three other TV's on, all with alternate shows.

This from a guy who will cheer lustily at the violent play in hockey and football. Did I say he's an anti?

BTW....A herd of baboon will stalk and kill humans who are weak, wounded and/or unable to adequately defend themselves.


New member
"I like hunting just how it is, but I've always thought that to make hunting really interesting, we should genetically engineer some killer mutant baboons or something. Now that would be a challenge."

Alien vs. Predator

Chuck Dye

New member
Of course, the easiest way to achieve that pose is taxidermy. Little critter like that is probably freeze dried.


New member
Needless to say, they're too stupid to take their own photos. That one was stolen from a varmint hunter's webpage and the print added. Looks lke a clear case of copyright infringement.


New member
uh, im pretty sure its a photoshop job.. you know, intended to make fun of PETA, not a real poster. shouldnt take everything seriously.


New member
Having seen about 300 different variations of that critter (all with different/no text).. I'm not going to believe that it originated with PETA, unless someone can straight out prove it.

Ron L

New member
I'm not going to believe that it originated with PETA, unless someone can straight out prove it.

I can't prove PETA originated this, in fact I don't believe they did. It's part of the Army's new "Army of One" ad campaign.