Perhaps interesting - care to state your gender?

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Member In Memoriam
Just another one of those "gee whiz! & ?"-type threads to get to know one another a bit better, & one I've yet to see.

Many a time I've been totally blown away by an inference that a poster was a gender other than I suspected ..... duh! & a "my bad" .... My own inherent bias, I guess.

A couple are very obvious (either through my own contacts, or ... ) - but, hunter rose ain't no babe! ;) (as shown through the "post yer face" thread)

How we (I!) seem to appraise posts due to what I'd expect from my own sex.

It does matter, & very much so depending on giving "advise" regards various shooting platforms for "whatever."

Us males (see the obvious bias here?) tend to assume that we are all the same size, have similar experiences & abilities.

Nothing intended here except to, perhaps, cast aside some allusions that we are all "the same."

My eyes have been opened here at TFL in so many ways that I can't help but think that casting away the "gender gap" couldn't also be a good thing.

The Wife (my best friend) is a 5' even, 100 lb Lady - through 'n through. Many times I've had to re-evaluate what I need to do to provide her with a positive firearm experience ...

Can't help but think that knowing more about us couldn't hurt.

Care to "come out of the closet?"


New member
Sure, I've never given a damn about my privacy -- the government can and will spy on me, and I trust you guys anyway.

Viet Ngo, 18/M.


New member
does your wife post here Labgrade & what's her Firing Line ID? lol ... just sort of busting on ya. The relative sparcity of females in forums such as this & GlockTalk ... seems to magnetize men to their posts (ok ... including me ... being single & all that ....). so the women seem to be sort of split .... those that want & enjoy the attention .... and those that don't
wish to identify there gender. you can always peruse profiles .... a good majority of the men have identifying information there. i may be wrong .... but IMNSHO i suspect that the amount of personal information Firing Liner posters want to give is in there profiles & this thread will provide little if any new information.
peace, gary


New member
I don't know very many men who would choose a username such as mine, so it's probably pretty obvious in my case. ;) It was chosen in a fit of insanity after my newly adopted greyhound disappeared into the swamp (bog) for an entire night, and I started joking that he was a bog dog. Also it sounds deliciously unPC. ;)


New member
< Austin Powers Voice >I'm all man, baby, yeah! < /Austin Powers Voice > :D


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Considering the number of "poodle-shooter" references inthe rifle forum, somebody's cat must be on TFL when they aren't looking. Any felines, canines or space aliens here?

Tall Man

New member

Messrs. Merriam & Webster define this word as "...partly based on distinguishable characteristics such as shape, social rank, or manner of existance."

So, to meet the spirit (if not the letter) of your wandering inquiry, I herewith submit the following:

Shape - Tall
Social Rank - Professional
Manner of existance - Happy to meet each new day as a young and comfortable citizen of the United States of America

Sex (since maybe that's what you meant to ask?) - Male

Tall Man

Offering clarification on my ambiguous User ID, to avoid erroneous inferences and allusions.


New member
Your're whatever gender you feel like you are. At least this is the argument I heard advanced by Lionel.

According to him, if you're genetically a man, but you feel like you're a woman, then society should treat you like a woman. Bizarre.

I like Lionel, but this was a little over the top for me. He's a good pro-gun libertarian, but he also loves Clinton, so he's not perfect.

Me? I feel like I'm a man.


New member
Wow, Lionel's gotten weird if he's saying stuff like that. I used to listen to Lionel when he was practicing law here in Tampa and was a regular caller to a local talk radio station. He was always a great caller, and it didn't surprise me when he got his got his own show and then moved to New York to go big time. Of course, he's not carried on any of the stations here, so I can no longer listen to him.

Long Path

New member
Tamara put it pretty well.

As this is pretty far off the scale with regard to topicality, I'm going to close this thread. No foul to those who posted.

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