Perfect Legal Advice???


New member
I am amazed at persons who will come into an internet forum and ask for legal advice; especially a forum dealing with firearms and the possibility of shooting someone.

I am even more amazed, when these persons ask for this advice, by those who will jump in and start offering it, other than those who say, “Check out your applicable laws.” or “See a lawyer.”

I’m not dissing those who know the laws which apply to their self and discuss these with others in reference to how it affects their self. However, even this can get a bit touchy and I believe one should be cautious in what they say.

Now if anyone has a question, I can, for $400 an hour....

Uncle Buck

New member
I figure a lot of these folks asking for advice are the same type that used to sit around the barracks (Dormitories, if you were in the Air Force) and complain about what the old man was trying to do and wondering if it was legal.

It was after normal business hours, the guy asking the questions did not provide all the details (for one reason or another) and we all had heard of this or that guy doing this or that and getting away with it...

I have a background in law enforcement, but I have a heck of a time reading some of these laws. I have a friend who is a lawyer (but decided not to try to pass the bar) and I will ask him all sorts of questions. Sometimes his answers even make sense...

There are a lot of uncertainties when it comes to reading the law (Unfortunately, most laws are not black and white.) and can be hard to understand. But here on the internet, they get the answers they paid for...:D


New member
I agree that Legal Advice should come from an attorney that practices a particular area of the law than concerns the subject matter.

When on trial, one is judged by a panel of his peers (at least that is what they tell us.) The Forum, is in essence, the panel of his peers. Anyone can find reference to any law simply by utilizing the Internet. It is the clarification of that law that requires attorneys. How people see events related to that law are the Jury/Forum.

Forums are a useful tool to test the waters but to rely on it for absolute gospel truth is not a wise choice.


New member
Not so fast...Attorneys?

Hmmm...I don't know that I would put quite so much stock in the opinions of attorneys. The law profession seems to be one whereby the number of opinions on any given law is directly proportionate to the number of lawyers entering the debate. Look at our Supreme Court. That esteemed cluster of scholars are supposed to be the best of our legal interpreters, and yet they even they split their votes among themselves more often than not. I'm inclined to trust the opinions of many on this forum above those offered by the exalted legal class...:cool:


New member
Hmmm...I don't know that I would put quite so much stock in the opinions of attorneys.

Ask two attorneys and get three opinions?

I am amazed at persons who will come into an internet forum and ask for legal advice...

I generally share that amazement. The anonymity of an internet forum tends to work against the possibility of getting accurate measured advice from someone with any kind of accountability. I worry that those who really seek legal advice online may not understand that. I have stopped posting "See a lawyer in your state about this" everytime I see a question about the law, because the admonition seems ineffective.

That said, as long as people are looking for opinions and not legal advice, I can understand why they would seek the opinions of those who may have a better than average grasp of the specific issues. I believe that police officers sometimes have a questionable grasp of the law, but generally have an excellent grasp of how law enforcement works. If you are pulled over while carrying, or involved in an incident with a firearm, how law enforcement works can be very important to you, possibly more important than the law itself.

Uncle Buck

New member
I'm inclined to trust the opinions of many on this forum above those offered by the exalted legal class...

But if you ever have to go to trial, it will be the exalted legal class that will ultimately determine the outcome of that opinion.

Frank Ettin

It's one thing to discuss the law in general or to analyze hypothetical situations. But if someone has a real legal problem in real life where his life and property is at stake, he needs to stay off the Internet and get a qualified lawyer.

* Communications with your lawyer are confidential. What you post on the Internet is not. It's generally a bad idea to discuss your legal matters with strangers in public.

* You have no idea what the qualifications are of the anonymous people offering you advice on the Internet. They may or may not know what they are talking about, but your interests are at stake in real life. That's just not a good situation.

* If you have problems, your lawyer will be around to help sort things out.


New member
The Wife is a criminal defense attorney. Don't ever come to her and tell her what "someone" said about some point of law! You'd damn well better be able to cite case numbers to prove it!!!!! Few things, short of me coming home drunk, make her as mad a "jailhouse lawyers"!:D

Another thing she tells people is NOT to rely on the LEO interpretation of what is or isn't legal.

My point being, the forums are a good test, but I'd verify thoroughly first, before venturing into a potentially sticky situation!
