Pepper ball gun questions

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I start looking at pepper ball guns, I don't know anything about it, but sounds interesting after Hannity talked about it in his show. I looked on Amazon, there are a few but only one said it's Kalifornia legal. What is the difference?

1) I want to know what is the law of pepper ball guns in Kalif. I googled, somehow, it kept going to pepper spray.

2) This is the one that is Kalif legal what is the difference of this one compare to the others. There are ones the are like $350, what can those do that this one cannot? I am not worry about the money, it's cheap compare to real guns. I just want to find the best that is legal in Kalif.

3) I read about getting one that use 0.68 diameter pepper balls to be compatible to paint guns pallets, is there any valid reason other than you can fire 0.68 with paint guns. Any disadvantage about the smaller 0.5 diameter?

Pepper guns sound like a good self defense weapon, it is non lethal and sounds like very effective. Real guns can be so final!! I want my wife to have option to carry it out with her.
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Pepper ball gun is good to stop someone from 15', down to 5', use stick fight with my walking cane. Down to 3', kickboxing.
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well, in my state for example if it shoots a projectile it is a deadly weapon. Or in other words, a good way to get shot.


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Some pepper sprays/gels can go 15+ feet. Bear spray can go 25ish. You pop someone 25 feet away with a pepper ball, you’ll be explaining to the police how it was ‘self defense’. Just carry the spray, and be mindful of the wind.
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