People's Gun Choices: I respect 'em.


New member
Even if I disagree with someone I never think that my choice is right, and their choice is wrong.

The world would be a boring place if everyone had the same tastes.
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hot sauce

New member
It kind of bothers me when friends carry 22's and 25's for primary SD. I can understand the concealment pro's. I dont say anything mean to them because I dont want to hurt their feelings.

tony pasley

New member
I always respect anyones right to be wrong. no really the very best firearm in the world is the one you can hit the target with now back to scarcasism I am a majority of one.


New member
I also feel that each individual has the right to choose their own firearm for protection. Having said that, anyone who chooses other than 9mm, .40 S&W or .45 ACP is wrong :D

Heh, opinions are like anal openings. While my first choice is always .45 ACP I don't feel it's my place to ram my opinions down the throat of another. If you are proficient with your gun and carry it to defend yourself or others then you're okay in my book. And as a political libertarian I can appreciate the right of everyone to choose for themselves.


New member
That's true!

And besides, it's neat to hear the reasons why other people do things different than you do.


New member
As long as you're a shooter, that's all I care about. Same thing with motorcycling, I don't care what you ride, you ride that's all i care about is the sport of it.


New member
Generally of the same opinion... whatever anyone likes is fine.

Although I did once tell my local FFL that 40S&W was ghey and they should just shoot 10mm "like a man".

But I was partly joking.



New member
I respect everyone's oppinions on what firearm is right for them and I expect them to treat me with the same respect. A good example is my hatred towards the AR15. I will state that I don't like that kind of rifle and give the reasons why. I never put anyone down who owns them rifles. It's just nothing more than my personal preferances. Heck, who knows there might actually be decent AR15s out there.

Now that I think of it my friends and I do argue a lot about types of ammo we use. Kind of funny too because if we shoot really badly that day then we always blame it on the ammo used. :D :p


New member
Thanks for the replies guys.

It's good to see more people willing to keep an open mind about things. Almost every weapon choice will have its pro's and con's, except for the obvious ones of course. There's a lot of wisdom behind sayings like "Never bring a knife to a gunfight".