People Never Cease to Amaze Me!

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I was finishing up dinner with my girlfriend last night when her Ex calls. I couldn't believe what he asked her to do for him. He asked her if he sent the money if she would buy another AR-15 for him. He already has one that she keeps for him because he is in school in NJ where he can't have it. It seems that the Ex is afraid that Obama is going to ban these firearms again; so he wants to get another before he takes office and gets new legislation passed. Then he has the nerve to tell her that she can no longer shoot his AR because he doesn’t' want any wear on his rifle as they will be worth more.

I just shook my head and said why the hell did he vote for the man is he going to go into a firearms buying frenzy now that he is going to be the next President? Her Ex made it very clear who he was going to vote for by proudly displaying his "Veterans for Obama" bumper sticker. I just don't get how a man who is a handgun and rifle owner who loves to shoot, could vote for a man he is afraid that the next President will take his 2nd Amendment rights from him.

Has anyone checked gun shops lately? How fast are the EBR's flying off the shelves? I noticed Bud's doesn't show much in inventory last time I checked but most could be added to your wish list. I have my one DPMS AP4 that I bought a while back, but I'm not really into the Assault Rifles that much so I don't follow much of what everyone is doing.

I know that a lot of people were mad at Bush and just voted Democrat because they saw voting Republican as siding with him and his policies. It just seems to me like now some people are going "What have I done?" now that a new President has been elected. Am I wrong for taking the sit back and wait approach to Obama being elected? I'll renew my membership in the NRA this year when my dues are up but that is about the extent of my panic.

Shadi Khalil

New member
From what I read and what I ahve been told, anything with a 10+ mag is selling very well...As for the d-bag ex, I hope your girl told him no...


New member
he is in school in NJ

Now dont take me wrong , i am sure NJ has many fine citizens , however why the hell would someone who owns arms choose that state for schooling . Just what is he learning that he could not learn in say the other 45 or so with good gunlaws ? IMHO she should take the AR there as " abandoned " and shoot hell out of it on as many urban rifle courses as yall can find and finance .

Edited to add :

She should also tell him " Sure ill get ya one " and use the $$ to finance the training and ammo LOL . Hey she can allways say it was for " space rental " if and when she decides to give the idiot back the ar .


New member
Now dont take me wrong , i am sure NJ has many fine citizens , however why the hell would someone who owns arms choose that state for schooling .
He got accepted to Princeton for his Masters degree, and the Army is paying 100% of the bill. That is why he is in school in NJ, it is good for his promotion potential to have an Ivy Leauge degree.


New member
'Nuff said. Sounds to me like the ex-bf has a case of recto-cranial inversion. I'd leave him to his own devices on this one.


New member
She's holding a AR-15 for him.

You SURE that's ALL she's holding for him?:confused:

She's YOUR girlfriend.

This guy sounds like he just wants to keep a good filly on a leash for when he needs a 'shoulder to 'cry on.'

The ar-15 is the leash.

She should not be holding ANY firearm for a man you are in competition with.

EX my rotunda.

Don't be offended,I'm just real jealous when it comes to my one woman.

Maybe it's a cool situation with you.

I would be way more concerned that my girlsfriend was holding a gun for someone else when she should only be holding firearms for herself or you.

Could be real legal issues for her and a future court problem from the ex if he wants to keep her in his life perpetually.


New member
Hahaha, with all due respect fellows, I'm *very* wary of men's motives when comes to women. Very, very wary.

With that said, straw sales are illegal.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Good for you, KChen986. You too BigStick.

I was beginning to think that little factoid might get overlooked.
She needs to tell that D-bag to get lost. If he really wants another m4, he can have someone else straw purchase it. It should not be worth it to her to risk her freedom for this jack a$$. I vote this down with everyone else.


New member
Is it defined as a straw purchase if the intended owner is completely legal to buy himself?

I've often wondered about that. I know that as shooters who AREN'T licensed dealers, we aren't supposed to buy firearms with the intention of immediately selling them. But there are certainly cases where we buy a firearm specifically because we know that it's worth more and we intend to sell it-- maybe sooner than later.

But with regards to the law, is it a straw purchase if you buy a firearm specifically for someone else if they are completely legal to own/buy themself?
Straw Purchase

I'm not LEO or lawyer, but I have been in the understanding (right or wrong) that straw purchasing is the buying of a firearm for someone else or with the intention of selling it within the first 30 days of purchasing. This is different from giving the gun as a gift, but I've never really understood it completely. Seems like there is soom grey area. In this case, it is straw purchasing though, if he lives in NJ.


New member
Hmmmmm. I would of asked "Do you still care for him?" If she said "No", I would have taken the phone from her hand and hung it up.


Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
The ex-BF is going to give the lady his money, so that she can purchase a firearm for him.

The very definition of a straw purchase.

A/C Guy

New member
That definitely is a straw purchase. The first question on the form is whether or not you are buying the firearm for someone else.

She should report him to the ATF.


New member
First off the Ex is the Ex-Husband and they have a child together so the AR defiantly isn't the thing keeping her tied to him. So I'm going to have to deal with him as long as my girlfriend and I are together or he is alive. I would rather my girlfriend have a good relationship with her Ex for her daughters sake than any thing else.

I already told her it was a Straw purchase unless when he came to pick it up she transfered the rifle into his name. So if he wasn't up for that then she cold tell him just to shove it. He is a Army Officer with a TS clearance so he is able to own the rifle and NJ isn't his home of record, but he can not have the AR in NJ while he is going to college there.

I'm just more PO about the fact that he would vote for someone and even donate to their campaign, who might try to take away his ability to own or at the very least make it more difficult to own firearms. I think the real reason he wants to own the extra AR is more for the prices they will bring if another ban is enacted.
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New member
Tell the BF to send the money to me. I prefer cash. I'd tell him that I would be happy to committ a felony on his behalf.:barf::barf:


New member
I wouldn't be counting on a promotion, regardless of his school choice. Obama is going to gut the military just like Clinton did.
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