People/mind/gun control in Nepal and U.S. media?


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'All Hell Breaking Loose' In Nepal -
A Resident's Version Of Events
From Cynthia Edwards

Monday, June 4

Dear Friends -

Today is a dark day in the history of the world and about to become darker.

Friday night the entire royal family of Nepal and their body guards were brutally murdered in cold blood at the regular Friday night family gathering (this included the 9 month old princess).

What has been reported as a family squabble with the crown prince killing everyone and then shooting himself, and even a gun going off by itself (somehow killing 30+ people, some of whom were not in the same room?!) are outright lies.

Immediately, the Royals were burned, much sooner than would be normal practice. The crown prince, the supposed killer, was made king while lying brain dead.

Ironically, the king's brother, Gyanendra was out of town. At the same time his nephew, Paresh, a known murderer of at least 5 people(!) was in the place . So was the king's other brother Direndra, who has been living in London since 1990 and has been estranged from the royal family. Both brothers are criminals who have been involved with stealing and selling the antiquities of Nepal, drugs selling, and who knows what else. Both brothers vehemently were against democracy in Nepal and there was a huge fight between them all when King Birendra gave up the powers of the Monarchy in 1990 and declared a democracy for Nepal. It has long been known that Gyanendra has had a CIA link as well as ties to the government of India. What those connections are in this whole affair remains to be seen. There are no secrets in Nepal!

Since Saturday most people have known the prince was dead even though the official news was saying otherwise. People knew they were being lied to but they were in shock so the streets were fairly quiet for 2 days. But as early as saturday afternoon, crowds were gathering outside the palace and at the funeral chanting, "Kill the criminals, Kill Gyandera. " In the meantime, more and more inside news was leaking out and it was fast becoming clear that this was a carefully orchestrated plot by at least the 2 brothers and nephew to seize control of Nepal.

This morning, the prince was officially declared dead. One hour later, as I am writing this, Gyanendra has just been crowned king with full regalia, the Prime Minister and political leaders standing mutely by. Clearly this was all planned WELL in advance to be able to pull this off so quickly! And clearly the Prime Minister is either afraid to say anything or else is in collusion. And Paresh has already been sent to London for safety.

I can hear the shouts of crowds in the street heading toward the palace. People are furious that Gyanendra, murderer of his own family and their king, has now been made king. And this anger has been building for a long time as a totally corrupt government has been running this country into the ground since the advent of "democracy" in 1990.

The army is in the street along with hundreds of thousands of people, roads are closed, and no one knows what will happen. We fear a blood bath as Gyanendra now controls the army. The lastest report from a friend on the street is that tear gas is being fired into the crowds.

Democracy was struggling in Nepal, at best, but now it is sure to die a swift death.

Perhaps it doesn't matter to you what happens in this far away tiny country, so unrelated to your own lives. But at least you can know the truth and tell others so these people will not have died in vain. If you have a computer, go to and click on NepaliTimes - it is our most radical paper we have though we don't yet know if they will be brave enough to print the truth.

I have no idea will become of me and other foreigners here. Only time will tell. It's pretty frightening right now and hopefully they will not target us in their frustration but go after the real criminals now holding the power.

Please pass this on to others so the world knows what is really happening here, or at least as far as we can figure out. But please don't believe the foreign press!

Pray for us all



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New member
Perhaps. I am interested in seeing what happens.

Only one point of dispute. People, kings or not, do not control armies. They choose to be controlled. People should not accept the Nuremburg defence because of sheer numbers of soldiers.


New member
Amen to that. I just posted this article because it gives a diffrent view/possibility than the New nepalese government line. All this happened in a closed environment, no pictures etc.

I just get fustrated that everybody automaticly assumes the prince massacred every one....just because we are told so... to me that is real "mind control". I have seen to much to beleive what I read in the media, that goes for the article I posted. It's Just a diffent point of view, not a conclusion.

Conclusions are what historians will make in a hunred years.

We get the load shovled into a our minds everyday. I don't claim to be immune...


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P.S. The government arrested some newspaper editors for printing "communist" propoganda on who killed the Royals....

Like I said 100 years...


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Nepal bacame a constitutional monarchy several years ago. It doesn't matter (except in public opinion) who the king is anymore. They have a Prime Minister and Parliament in control of the military. Today there are eyewitness accounts of how the Prince killed his family on the news. The stupid news stories the Nepalese gov released for a couple of days seem more in the line of shock and confusion than conspiracy to me. We will have to see what happens in the next few weeks to really know the truth, though. I hope these strong people get a smooth, legal transition in power. If not, remember, this is where the Gurkhas come from. A large number of citizens are retired Gurkhas. I would not want to be the one to try to steal their freedom. And I seriously doubt it could be done.


New member
A large amount of the U.S. population are retired Marines.
Still there are those who attempt to steal our freedom. In many states they are already succesful. Ghurka may also fight on the side of a king who can pay them, now that many are not employed by that other monarch from a far away Isle.

The Royal Family has a lot of power...just not in the overt sense. The new king is the one apionting thwe commision of inquery to the massacare...This shows he is looking forward to more power than the last king. A strongman to fight the Maoist insergency?

A weak king dies and a strong one takes its place?

"Eye witneses" can be manufactured, just like evidece.


New member
Those ex-Gurkhas have no need to be employed by anybody. The pension money that Britain send to Nepal each year is more than sufficient for them to live well above the common Nepalese. You go tell them that they can be bought and tell us how a Kukri feels. If I were retired Marine I would have much more, nastier things to say. But since I'm ex Navy I'll leave that to the jarheads.


New member
Ha ha, your probly right, a lot of those ghurkas may not be bought so quickly. So all the government need do is train their own forces to stand up to the challage.

Texvet, we did not know untill about two years ago why the Titanic sank (I have a great article on brittish de-classified documents). Today many still blame the captian when he was not really in charge.

Our perception of the world is shapped by what we hear, I am only giving a diffrent veiw point NOT what I see as the "truth"...because most likely non of us will know the truth for years to come, maybe our children will know.


New member
One more thing, I resent the statement you made that I was implying that ex-marines are quick to turn for cash. No such statement was made. My dad was in the Navy for 26 years, Vietnam vet and all that, so don't jump to conclusions about me so quick...otay? Even so our army is "proffesional", not a citizen army, so given the right conditions they have fired uopon our fellow citizens, and I expect when the occasion arises they will do so in the future.

Such accusations only deflect the real question. If old soldeirs around the world are so adept at fighting tyranny, why is N.Y., N.J. and Kalifornia the way it is? A lack of vets in the states...I don't think so. The tyrany that crept over those areas happened in stages, as it is now appearing in the rest of the states.

Realisticly, in the age of tactical nukes and Nutron bombs you could not hold territory anyway. An eternal life as a gurrila movement would spare you complete annihaliation, but would keep your force small, disorginized, poorly fed and equipt.

The elite have figured out that the age of firearms is becoming more obsolete by the day. Just like when Knights first encountered muskets, we musketeers are encountering powers we cannot hope to challange with out that same technology.

Nepal is not a nuclear power (as as I know!) , so the Glorified mercinaries -opps the nobel Ghurka- will have a chance to take the country....The only problem is the Kings are diefied, so depending on who is accepted as a god ( or both) it presents a problem for your average country boy Ghurka.

As it is now the average people ARE P.O.'D and they are still fighting as I write...