People Magazine


New member
The issue of People Magazine that hit the stands yesterday has a blurb on the cover about the 30 something 'children' that died by gunshot the same week Kayla did.

They had short stories on about half of the deaths, and a sentence or two on the others. I would guess that half of the 'victims' were aged 18 and 19, and therefore really don't qualify as children. Actually, when I personally think of 'children', I think of gradeschool-age kids. Older than that I would call them teens.

About half of the deaths were suicides. :(

About half of the non-suicides sounded kind of gang-related to me. Either drug deals gone bad or gang-type executions. These are hardly 'innocent children.'

At least two were 'accidental' shootings where the kids got a hold of the gun and were showing it to friends or playing with it and 'the gun just went off!'

Two of the deaths were police shootings. One of the kids, a 16-yr old son of a policeman even, took the family car and his Dad's gun, ran away from home, killed one police officer that was radioing him in as a possible runaway, ran from that scene and then died in a shootout with police a while later. Yeah, like I'm supposed to feel sorry for this one! :rolleyes:

Does anyone think that the national media will ever report about the defenses with a gun? Ha! Our mass media is so far to the left, what do they call their right foot? is it just a little more 'moderate' than their left? ;)

The side that controls the media controls public opinion. We have so many people out there that actually believe that what the media tells them is the whole, unbiased truth! :mad:

How can we get the media to tell it like it really is?

Remember, just because you are not paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you!