Pentagon Seeks a Few Good Ideas to Fight Terrorism

Jeff Thomas

New member
Here's your chance to remind our government why an armed population is a wise thing ...

Thursday October 25 11:52 AM ET

Pentagon Seeks a Few Good Ideas to Fight Terrorism

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon appealed to Americans on Thursday to send in bright ideas on thwarting terrorism, announcing an unusual, open competition to speed the winners into use.

The Defense Department said it was looking for help in ''defeating difficult targets, conducting protracted operations in remote areas and developing countermeasures to weapons of mass destruction.''

The goal was to find concepts that can be developed and fielded in 12 to 18 months, a blink of an eye compared with standard Pentagon acquisition and deployment procedures.

U.S. officials from President Bush down have said they fear more terrorist attacks after the Sept. 11 hijack attacks that killed more than 5,000 people at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and on a crashed flight in Pennsylvania.

Laying out a streamlined three-step application process, the Pentagon called for one-page idea descriptions by Dec. 23. Those retained will be asked to provide up to 12 pages of details.

The department then will invite those with the most promising ideas to submit full proposals in a third phase ``that may form the basis for a contract,'' a statement said.


New member
That is a stumper of a question... and my head keeps coming back with the "kill 'em all" motto.


New member
Hhhmmm....topics include,

'Detection & Mapping of Underground Facilities'
'Locating Faces in Video Images'
'Identifying Faces in Video Images'
'Video Human Tracking'
'Voice Print Identification'
'Advanced Distributed Learning'

Interesting stuff...

Gary H

New member
Anyone seen an address to send this to. Ooops, probably not opening the mail. If you have a great idea..I don't .. how does it get to the Pentagon?

Long term idea:

1. Saudi money has fueled the hate U.S. folks for
a. Reduce Saudi income long term.
I. Build extra nuclear plant at each present site.
II. Drill .. drill ... drill......
III. Crash programs to speed-up fuel cell and other technologies

b. Pull U.S. troops out of Saudi