Pen Gun Questions


New member
What Class of Firearms does a Pen Gun fall into?

I had a relative stop by this morning; he found a .410 Pen Gun in the garage of a deceased relative. I was thinking that these are Class III weapons but I wanted to be sure before I told him to throw it in the lake.


I think it depends on the specific pen gun. The Stinger pen gun for instance, is totally approved classified as a handgun. Who knows about the 410.

Personally, I wouldn't throw it in the lake regardless. Others will disagree. I'd uh, do something else with it.


New member
I'm pretty sure that pen guns are considered to be an AOW - with a $5 transfer tax to the BATFE required...provided it was registered originally before???? What 1942? Or when ever the last amnesty period was. The "Stinger" pen gun got around these regulations by the fact that it had to be "bent" forming a pistol grip of sorts before it could be fired.

But then again I don;t think I would throw it in a lake...maybe a safety deposit box. At least until such a time as the NFA act is proven to be the unconstitutional infringement that it is.


New member
you might check to see if it is on the "Curios" list which is generally stuff while technically illegal it is mostly collectors stuff