pellet gun


New member
I'm going to buy a pellet gun and want to spend less than 130 with minimum 1000fps breakbarrel. it doesn't have to have a scope as i grew up with a daisy buck so i can use open sights efficiently. suggestions?


New member
i plan to use it for rabbits, skunks, armadillos, snakes, buzzards, pretty much any pest around my grandma's house (not in city limits of course). also with the buzzards, i only shoot them if they're endangering calfs (grandma has about 65 head of cattle). and i have heard many people complain greatly about gamo's and i think they're a little pricy for what they have to offer
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If you do a search, limited to the Rifle forum, in the last 6 months, searching the subject line only, for "air", you will find some recent good discussions on budget air rifles.

roy reali

New member
Tough Birds

So, you have attack buzzards in your neck of the woods? We have many of them around here. Our buzzards tend to attack creatures that are already dead.


As much as I love airguns, I'd recommend a .22rifle for the uses you mention. If you are set on an airgun, I'd up the price limit a bit and go for something in .22 caliber vs .177.

BTW, killing buzzards/vultures is also against the law.
Our buzzards tend to attack creatures that are already dead.
I've got a friend that owns cattle--he confirms that buzzards will kill newborn calves if they can get to them before the mother recovers.


New member
130 is quite cheap for a quality airgun

If you get a gamo, you can get a trigger modification and that helps. If used for what you liseted I would recommend a RWS 48 although they are quite expensive 300 +. They pack quite a punch, a beeman R9 is also very nice again not cheap, the fps numbers are usually BS and most advertised at 1000fps actually shoot 890-920. Whenb you do get the gun try Crosman premier lights (if in .177) they tend to shoot very well out of most guns. When hunting use JSB preditor pellots, ballistic polymer tips they make nice holes and expand well.


New member
I have a Gamo 440 that I really like. I've killed rabbits out to better than 40 yards with it. The 220 model is similar, not so fancy and can probably be bought for about that much without a scope.


New member
I have an old Benjamin Franklin multi pump .22 air rifle I got from my grandfather. As accurate as I am out to about 30 yrds and can put a lead pellet through both sides of a steel coffee can (and once the head of skunk ) with about 7 pumps. Only thing I can practice with in my backyard as my neighbors have a lot of cattle and horses and I wouldn't feel comfortable shooting anything else.



New member
cryption- does the crossman 1000x shoot .22 as well as .177?

and yes the buzzards will go after calfs. they will poke their eyes out and sometimes kill. just goes to say, everything's bigger and in this case, tougher in texas.

i have never heard of shooting buzzards is illegal, but (dont shoot me for saying this) if it came down to it, i would rather keep a calf alive than a buzzard. that calf could be fed to a homeless person someday and save his life from starvation. or it could reel in some benjamins so my grandma can keep her farm and pay brookshires for the food she eats.


New member
my friend saw some buzzards take small sheep once
Oh, please!!! How does a 5-6 pound bird kill a 30 lbs lamb?? I won't even ask how it kills a calf! Now, if you told me it was eagles that killed the sheep, I would believe it. Bald eagles and golden eagles kill a lot of lambs.

Besides, buzzard is the name for a Eurasian hawk, a bit smaller than a red-tailed hawk. Vultures are NOT "buzzards", despite what John Wayne said. If you spent as much time learning about what you see outdoors as you do watching bad Western movies, you might already know that.


New member
I have a winchester my dad bought right before he died last year. I think they are right in your price range. I put a red dot on it, and use premium hp pellets. It's freak'in accurate. Supposedly it shoots 1100fps. The trigger stinks, but I've gotten used to it. It took some practice. BTW, the hollow point in the pellet is a marketing gimmic...they don't expand. But they have an excellent seal. If you want them to expand, put them in backwords. Talk about a thwack!. that gun will put a pellet right through a cedar fence plank.