"Peestolet Makarooova"?


New member
Alright guys, damnit...you Mak-heads have finally made me start to listen. Here's my predicament. When faced with the Makarov/Bersa .380 situation, I let bygones be bygones and went with a Bersa! I figure, hey, new gun, good warranty, more common ammo, etc.

Now, that wasn't a bad choice persay...the Bersa has been mostly reliable and such. It's just that...

1. The mags seem so cheap!
2. The slide removal lever is kind of wiggly...
3. Already the slide is showing a little wear
4. I've got ONE mag! Gander mt keeps screwing me around about when they'll get more in. I don't particularly take part in e-commerce.

So there is that. Also, I AM concerned about my duo-tone bersa in the long term durability department. Let's say, for instance, these SHTF senario you lot are always going on about! I don't believe my Bersa would survive something like that at all without diligent coddling.

Enter the Makarov...

I stopped by a shop yesterday I'd never seen before, bout 40 minutes away. I had just gorged myself stupid at a chinese buffet. Anyway, the guy was real nice and helpful like and I spot an all black little gun near the back of the case. It catches my eye, but I'm still fondling a nice little Colt .38 snub for $385 (completely out of my college student shoe string budget, but it was just so shiney....). I thought it was an older PPK or PP at the time.

Anyway, my fiancee was growing bored and agitated so I knew I had to hurry and see the rest of his stuff before zero hour. I looked over some rugers and then at a Cz-52, which I have now decided it is in my top 5 guns to get in the next 5 years. I get to the end of the case, and low and behold...Pistolet Makarova...

It is all black, I hadn't seem that example so much before! I likes it. A lot...

Also, comes with TWO- count 'em- TWO mags! Hah, take that you Bersa bastards...(all steel mags to boot)

This gun is 180 out the door. I don't have 180. I do however have a Bersa with a pittance of rounds out of it, 95% of them FMJ rounds, only seven 102 grain golden saber hps. I'm almost positive he'd take the trade.

I am unsure what to do!


New member
Peestoleet Maakaroooooova!

He's a goooooooooood peeeestoool.

Bersa peestool, he's a Bersa peestool.

You knoooooow what to doooooooooo!

Seriously, that little Mak will not remain pretty over the years of use and abuse, but it will remain functional. I'm not so sure about the Bersa. You will likely get half of what you gave for the Bersa in trade. If you can live with that, get the one you want.
If you get the Mak, then let the lesson sink in..........It's always cheaper to get the gun you want to start with. Otherwise you lose money trading in stuff.


New member
Personally, I prefer the Bersa. The Mak is tough, and a shooter for sure, but the Bersa is a more refined gun. I am simply not into ComBlok stuff.

Either way, get the gun you want, first time, every time. If I were close to you, Id Take that Bersa off your hands. My Wifes has seen ver 2000 rounds without a hiccup, and I have three, count em three magazines, and all steel to boot. :D


New member
Keep the Bersa....Thats right keep the Bersa, and wait till you get your money . Don't be in such a hurry. Your gunna looze out. The gun shop probably won't give you a good trade and $180 for a Mak is a little high. Be patient, go to your next gun show a price the Maks. I bet you find them around $150. Overall I think the Mak is a much better piece, But the Bersa .380 gets a high rank also.



New member
If its a rare Mak (ie, EG or a speciality model), take it.

If its truly in pristine condition, consider it.

Otherwise, there'll be more.


New member
wheres it from? I'm assuming bulgaria. If so, thats about what you should expect to pay. If its a polish, which isnt really a mak, I've heard mixed reviews.

if its an east german, which I doubt it is, tell me the name of the dealer :D