Pearl-blue finish

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
A buddy of mine mentioned this sort of finish, of which I had not heard. Does anybody know of any refinisher in Texas who does this sort of finish?

Or anywhere at all? He's wanting to rework an older commercial 1911.


James K

Member In Memoriam
Hi, Art,

OT, but I like your comment about the plane passenger. I once had a discussion with a Jewish friend who favors gun control. I said that if Jews in Nazi Germany had been armed, they could have at least put up some resistance. He replied that they should not have resisted, because if they had they would have all been killed. Then he stopped, got a funny look on his face, and changed the subject.


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Huh! Didn't know Tripp did plating! I'll give him a holler.

Jim: Yup. My point, perzackly. :) Intriguingly, a high-IQ ultra-Lib pen-pal of mine (!) apparently believes there will be no more hijackings, and therefore is more concerned about guns in the hands of the great unwashed 'Murrican Citizen. :barf:

As usual,
