Peace through superior firepower

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
For all ya unrepentant hippies out there.


This guy is well-protected.

An average Tennessean. I really like this state!


New member
That's Me

A pacifist.....with a closet fully guns and ammo...Amazing, 'cause some people don't understand it...


New member
As a longhaired unrepentant hippie type, I like it, It sort of reminds me of the original M*A*S*H poster.

In the second photo ROTL's pistol needs a bit more contrast.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I better post the high-res of the "peace" photos, if you want to print. Will do that tomorrow (I have a larger file than what's currently linked).

glock glockler

New member
Oleg, I'm wondering who your intended audience is? To someone who is already a gunnie it might be fine but will it really sway a hippie type that is not already into guns?

A few months back I got into a big debate with a few former hippies about the effects of instituting a "living wage" in Portsmouth NH, and I severely doubt that they would be swayed by the image of a gun into being pro RKBA. The Tolkien quote that I'm probbaly mangling "I love the sword, not for it's sharpness, but for that which it protects" is applicable here. Give the peace-loving hippies an image that they can easily relate to: one of their own with their family, but being armed to protect them, with the gun being peripheral in the picture.


New member
Good posters, but I agree that Runt's blouse needs to be lighter to show off her pistol better.

I knew a Viet Nam vet who went by the nickname 'Heavy' after his habit of insistance on absolute maximum weapons loads for his combat sorties. He always claimed to be a pacifist but was no hippy.


New member
Joke or not, Oleg: that poster is beautiful, man. ;)

Do you think Runt would be interested in leasing out some of her surplus hair to those of us who are "follically-challenged?"


New member
MeekAndMild, I am a Hippie but not a pacifist. Not all hippies are/were anti-American or anti-gun. We just believed in a freer lifestyle than was accepted in the 1960's establishment. I believe that my Hippie lifestyle lead me to Libertarianism as a natural progression.

BTW, your buddy Heavy sounds like a real pragmatist. "Practice peace but be able to stop those who don't" is a good philosophy.


New member
I am a Hippie but not a pacifist. Not all hippies are/were anti-American or anti-gun.
It takes all kinds to make the world :) I was certainly not denigratinge hippies, just point out this particular fellow was a pacifist but not a hippie.

Interesting point about pacifism not being the same as hipness. Whenever I think of pacifism the name I recall is that of a certain Alvin C. York. He remained a pacifist throughout his entire life and used the money he received from the Gary Cooper movie to fund a Bible college in Tennessee.

From what I am able to read of York he and my old associate 'Heavy' had in common a regard for human life, a deep spirituality and a kindness of heart which transcended their daily existance and which amplified their need to carry out their patriotic duty.