*&^%$# PC gun owners!


New member
Well, once again, I must rant here. A few days ago, I was in one of the local gun stores just milling around looking over some of the new weapons that came in. One other customer was looking at a shotgun and talking to the dealer when he mentioned how they maybe should ban "assault weapons". Congratulations pal, you just got my complete and undivided attention now! Not being one to walk away from a fight, I walk over and ask him if he was looking at one of those "trench brooms". He said no, he was looking at a new goose gun. I then told him that I wasn't sure that people should be allowed to own a weapon that is prohibited under the rules of warfare to be used on the battlefield. I then told him as long as we're at it, what does anybody need a "sniper rifle" for while pointing to one of the run of the mill deer hunting rifles in the rack. And as long as we're at it, how about those sniper pistols (such as a Thompsen single shot)that are made for taking long range shots while you can conceal it under a coat. Man wouldn't Whitman have loved to had that in Texas! Now how about these handguns? Designed to kill people, ban em. How about black powder guns? Their powder is an explosive that can be used in another Oklohoma City style bombing, ban em. I finally got through ripping on this idiot, and with all the effort I put into it, I hope he realized that ANY gun, I dont' care if it's a service rifle, shotgun, deer hunting rifle, pistol or even black powder pieces can be demonized using liberal thinking. The next time you run into one of these backstabbing PC-type gun owners that think they should be allowed to keep "their" guns while they are willing to throw another group to the wolves, remind them that we are either going to have to stick together or the liberals are going to take us down one by one like a pack of wolves taking down the slower deer. Sorry for the rant here folks, but PC gun owners like this really tick me off. They are even worse than the hard-core gun grabbers, at least you know which side they're on!


Staff Alumnus
Grunt, you're 100% correct. It isn't HCI and creeps of their ilk who will drag us down, it's our supposed allies who spout PC crap.

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson


New member
You did good.

Guns owners especially should be aware that their right to freely own ANY gun is now in danger (Australia, England, F*@#ing UN, Colt, etc.)

What if they decide to take all the "tactical" weapons next? Ask jerks like this if they even know what an "assault rifle" is. If he can't, direct him to research our experience in California, where the legal description is absurd as well as incomprehensible.

I myself did not appreciate the extent to which our second amendment rights are being disregarded until a year or two ago, although I had been target shooting since I was a boy scout.

When they started going after the gun manufacturers like the tobacco companies, I joined the NRA. Any body got a suggestion for other good organizations to support? Is the government going to drive the gunmakers out of business, or make them pay huge extortion to the lawyers? At this point, one more law, or lawsuit, is too many.

People are terrified to even think about living in anything but condition white. The words "assault weapons" are inconsistent with their "rosy" view of the world.

End of rant.

[This message has been edited by Ledbetter (edited March 15, 2000).]



Yes, I do know of another organization that is worthwhile sending your bucks to.





New member
I have posted once on this subject before, because I have two very annoying gun owning and loving anti's at work. They love cowboy pistol and M1A, plus other guns. Yet they repeatedly support whatever anti-gun legislation that is the topic of the hour and lend credibility to it with thier obvious familiarity with firearms.
These guys are looking for scapegoats to deflect attention away from their own activities. They think that by making someone else a felon and ruining an innocent person's life, which is what it boils down to in the end, they will be allowed their own merry persuits. Their phantasy is that other people will understand that what they are doing is sensible, even admirable.
Because they are good and solid people and have never done anthing seriously wrong in their whole lives, they just do not seem to be able to grasp the fact that they are in immanent danger of becoming the scapegoats of some one else this time around.
It is sad and reminds one of the stories that are told of innocent victims walking off to their doom, all the while convinced that it will all work out somehow, because they are, of course guilty of nothing wrong.
Hopefully they will wake up, but don't count on this. We must win our fights with the forces on hand.

[This message has been edited by Herodotus (edited March 15, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Herodotus (edited March 15, 2000).]


New member
Do you mean those unsafe John Wayne wannabe guns? Don't they know that they fire big bad bullets just under a 1/2 inch in diameter? Now do they really need to be that big? can't they just shoot a cap gun that is soooo much safer? How about those "hair triggers" they come with? How much pressure does it take to press the trigger and cause an accidental discharge? Wouldn't it be soooo much better if they were restricted to a minimum of 20 pounds so a child couldn't accidently fire it? How many people had to die a century ago with these same guns that we haven't learned that these cowboy guns are dangerous and should be banned with these lethal killing machines? Keep in mind that a lot of the famous outlaws used to use these old guns to murder!
Now, back to reality. There is NO gun out there that I can't demonize using liberal thinking. Yeah, yeah, I'm taking medication for that. LOL But seriously though, it's like that pastor in Germany said about how the Nazis came for one group, then another and when they finally came for him, there was no one left. Either they stick together with the rest of us, or it's just a matter of time before the anti-gunners start using ideas like I mentioned for real. But then, if it gets to that point, I won't be around any more anyways. :)


New member
just remind the guys that don't think "their" guns are evil of this:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"I honestly think - and I am not an expert on the amendments -
I think the only people in this nation,
who should be allowed to own guns are police officers.
I don't care if you want to hunt,
I don't care if you think it's your right.
I say 'sorry'. It is 1999, we have had enough as a nation.
You are not allowed to own a gun
and if you do own a gun, I think you should go to prison."
---Rosie O'Donnell[/quote]

[This message has been edited by dZ (edited March 15, 2000).]