Patriot & Mel

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New member
Check out the Drudge web site, seems the Kalifornia screening audience was upset that in the upcoming movie, Patriot, Mel Gibsons children, ghasp, used guns to defend their homes and ambushed the Redcoats! According to the article, Gibson defended the movie and the part where the children helped him defend their home. Then spoke of taking his children shooting and of self-defense. Interesting read.


New member
Good stuff! I thought I had seen some "Mel an anti" posts here on TFL in the past, but Drudge's report seems to counter that.

Since Drudge's page doesn't last, here's the story:


A screening of SONY's PATRIOT in Los Angeles on Thursday night left the audience jumping about scenes in the Revolutionary War film that depict young children carrying guns -- and using them!

The controversial scene begins when Gibson's character reaches into a chest and gives his sons rifles.

"They go into woods and ambush the Redcoats, killing around 15 men. One son is around 13 years old, the other is 10," says an insider.

A loud "gasp" was heard in the screening room as the camera zoomed in for a closeup of the kids. Shots are fired. Blood splatters on Redcoats.

Mel Gibson defended the scene over the weekend, declaring that he would let his own kids take up weapons in self-defense. Gibson says he's taken his children to shooting ranges.

In the movie, Gibson goes to war only after one of his sons is killed.

Screenwriter Robert Rodat attempts to portray the complexities of war, as he did with SAVING PRIVATE RYAN.

"This war will be fought not on the frontier nor on distant battlefields, but among our homes. Our children will learn of it from their own eyes..." says Mel Gibson's Benjamin Martin in PATRIOT [opening last week in June].

The movie's theme -- take arms up against those who would take your arms -- is bound to stir the national debate over gun control.

Producer/Director Roland Emmerich conceded that the film may become a rallying call for pro-gun advocates and militias.

"Rosie O'Donnell and Hillary Clinton may want to spend the holiday checking out PERFECT STORM," laughed a viewer after the screening.



New member
I have not seen the movie yet, but lets hope that Clinton uses his executive order to ban the movie.... Might wake a few people up. Afterall, if they are so afraid of us gun owners, how can they let a movie like this, which is likely to incite us to use them, to be shown?


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.


New member
Remember the John Wayne movie "The Cowboys"? Back in the 1970's, there was the same reaction, folks were getting all pushed outta shape 'cause it showed kids using FIREARMS to regain a herd of cattle.
It was a good movie then and still is. ;)


New member
I just remembered! During Rosie O'Donnels "debate" with Tom Selleck on her show awhile back, she remarked that the only reason for the Second Amendment is so that we can own muskets to defend ourselves against the British. To me, this means that she will fully support this movie and will make sure her kids see this movie!!
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