Patriot Act, privacy and tracking success.

Sir William

New member
I am not a Patriot. I simply cannot make the USC/BOR and the PA align. It simply cannot be done. Eavesdropping on the Soviets in Afghanistan is possibly an important NSA duty. The CIA, NSA, FBI or HS eavesdropping on my ribald e-jokes, use of BBs, checking my address lists, logging my blog visits or tapping my phone and monitoring what TV shows I watch is a simple act of voyeurism and improper. Who really needs to know where I spend my money or what legal charities I choose to support? If I have a lbrary book checked out, who needs to know? There is another and simpler side to the question also. When a law was passed that ensured safe foods and drugs, there was a corresponding and tracked drop in the rate of mortality. Is the Patriot Act able to prove a single case of lifesaving? The last concern is basic. In the UK, MI-5 has no constraints on eavesdropping. Even sex practices can be monitored. Prosecution requires a second executive agency a la Scotland Yard to become involved in criminal prosecutions. I note though that even with unrestricted eavesdropping capabilities, UK attacks were carried out against tube stations and big reds. What good is unrestricted access to private affairs if there are no indications of attacks? IOW, the Patriot Act erodes our freedoms and removes an expectation of privacy. It didn't prevent or warn of the UK attacks. Comments?


I have tried for a whole year to get SOMEONE to monitor me...I have had long phone conversations with folks all over the country where I use phrases like "John has a long mustache", "500 suits are coming via Miami", and "Allahu akbar, the flame of God will destroy the Infidel". When traveling on an airplane I wear a Kaffiyeh, and when asked to show my id, I make sure my Jr Al Qaeda membership card is right by my drivers license. My car license plate reads O SAMAMA. i keep checking the Anarachist Cookbook out of the library. I call the ATF and leave tips against myself about an arsenal of weapons and ammo I have and the fact that my real name is Shiek Yabooti. I even started a Blog called "I Hate America and everything it Stands for and I pray everday for the Glorious Victory of The forces of the prophet" and on the blog I debate myself all the time (like one of me pretends to love the US and the other me screams stuff like "Die in the nuclear blast, thou corrupt Satan")...

No one pays any attention :confused: :(

hey maybe when the Feds read this they will come visit :D

I feels so left out...everyone is having their rights violated but me

Wildenough beertonightAlaska


New member
Try reading No Place To Hide by Robert O'Harrow, Jr.

Deals with the above mentioned and related matters, interesting too.


New member
wild man in alaska...........aka ala ahk bar kodiak........

Now that is some funny stuff :D Your nawty post made me laugh enough to have my dog look at me like I was off the deep end............. Thanks, I needed that....... Humor is all we have today that isn't taxed........ (yet) ;)


New member
Wildalaska your reply IS funny, but the situation is not. Isn't this what communist countries have had to deal with on a regular basis? If I'm not mistaken, at one point our government thought it necessary that 56,000 of us die to prevent the spread of communism. Now we endorse it, encourage Congress to support it, and make light of it; the worst of it anyway.


New member
logistically i find it nearly impossible for the powers-that-be to process the information stored for each and every american. datamining software is a must, and i believe that is the current shortcoming of the 'system'.

it is also without a doubt that the datamining technology will catch up and allow interested parties in the various bureaucraci to perform detailed search and analysis tasks on the terrabytes of data generated and stored for each american citizen.

i have no doubt that the information can and will be used to track down and apprehend child molesters, rapists, fraud perpetrators, and possibly 'terrorists' (whatever that means).

i also have no doubt that the information can and will be used to track down and apprehend those who would be disinclined to go along with what the powers-that-be determine is best for each and everyone of us.

that IMO represents the real problem. the technology at this stage is benign and for the most part useless, so many turn a blind eye to that which will create the Total Information Awareness society. eat to many pizzas and your health insurance premiums are sure to rise!