Patience; and carry cash.


New member
I like to get holster worn but low mileage guns and will not pay book. Often don't get what I look at.

Today was followed home by a 6" Model 29-3 with the cyl latch upgrade done. TG, TT, TH, TS, RR, WO. Test fired only. Condition LNIB with papers, card and tool. 99 percenter to this jaundiced eye. $265 out the door. Timing spot on, Double and single action pulls nice. Needs a bit of smoothing out to feel like a K. Me happy.



New member
And you should be happy. I bought a dash 3 about 10 years ago with a cheap nylon holster for 300.00. Thought it was the deal of the decade. I shot it 8 years and sold it for 325.00.


New member
Ok C. R., where prey tell do you find those kind of windfalls in this God-forsaken state? Every time I happen to see something that good they want an arm, a leg and my 1st born (which, now that she is in her teenage years, might not be such a bad idea!). Some people just have all the luck and fall into a bucket of rose petals. Me, I mostly fall into buckets of....well you know what I mean.


New member
Patience and cash....both are strangers to me unfortunatly. Sounds like you got a great deal C.R.Sam. Is it gonna be a shooter or collector?


New member
Shooter. Bein a -3, I can't get excited bout tryin to keep it pristine.

One thing that helps on the prices is I didn't really need another 29. Acted, it was real, uninterested.

In my old age I am starting to appreciate the big bores with warm loads. Even us deaf and blind folk can tell if they went off or not.

And N frames have enough heft that when you carryin a couple of them, don't have to check by hand to see if you armed. :D



New member
Ok, I know what most of these mean, but can someone help with the rest?

TG: Target Grips
TT: Target Trigger
TH: Target Hammer
TS: ?sights?
RR: ?
WO: ?


New member
Red Ramp front sight
White Outline rear sight.

They just used the two letter initials on the box for all that bell n whistle stuff.

The cylinder stop upgrade was on a work order inside the box.



New member
WOW C.R. Sam, Everytime I have the cash on hand, the patience part loses.... I bet you are a great fisherman:)


New member
Good job!

Four years ago I moved to this little city, and one dealer had a clean 5 screw M17 Smith, for $400. Nice, but too high for my interest.

This summer I happened to notice that they still had it, and the price was down to $250. There were having a S&W promotion that day, complete with rep on site. They were running a 20% discount on all Smiths that day, so naturally I inquired, did that include used Smiths, too?

Much to the annoyance of the Smith rep, I grabbed up that 5 screw .22 for $200 plus fees:D It shoots good, too.:D


New member
Nice gun! I bought one of the earlier 44 Magnums that became available to non police officers. Don't know what iteration it was, I was not into dash whatevers at the time but it was 6 1/2, nickel, with all the trimmings you mentioned in a nice wooden box. Shudda kept it but you know the way of all things...


New member
tex_n_cal won big time with that 5 screw 17 for $200.
Been lookin for nuther one of those cheap for years.



New member
I'm glad you'll shoot it.....

There's nuthin' sadder than an un-shot revolver. Cancha hear it faintly callin' to you? "Shoot me, shoot me.....s-h-o-o-t me ! !"

Kinda like an old friend of mine wanted to put an automatic in his wife's Corvette and pull out the 4-speed so she could drive it easier. I felt like strangling him!

Sam, bully for you. Good things come to those who wait.


New member

on an old non-descript S+W sixgun. It makes us old farts look bad, ya-know-what-i-mean??
The last one I bought I paid 140 bucks for and screamed bloody murder about it the whole time...'bout a year ago if memory serves...maybe longer....can't remember whatinell I had for breakfast this morning either....oh it wasn't a M29 though, it was a 1957 i guess I didn't get skinned as bad as I thought, huh..


New member
That's a heck of a buy sam:D,i did pretty well myself this weekend.I picked up a mountain gun in 45 colt thats in prestine condition for 389.00 out the door with the box,lock and all paperwork,the cylinder has NO play at all and the rest of the gun is spotless.


New member
Congrats on the good buy, Sam. You just cannot find that kind of low-priced firearm here in the People's Commonwealth any more. The last 6" M29 I saw was $500. However it was also pretty much hand-built for the guy who owned it. I considered it for a time but I really want a 4" version.