Passenger plane shot down by U.S Fighters?

Was Flight 93 shot down?

  • It is likely the plane was shot down.

    Votes: 5 8.8%
  • It is UNlikely the plane was shot down.

    Votes: 40 70.2%
  • If the plane was shot down, we should be told?

    Votes: 7 12.3%
  • We shouldn't know if it was shot down. The country could stand a few more heros!

    Votes: 5 8.8%

  • Total voters


New member
I've heard a buzz about flight 93 and thought I'd float the idea out here.

President Bush has acknowledged and V.P. Cheney has confirmed that the order was given to shoot down any aircraft that refused to comply with FAA directives or commands from Air traffic controllers on tuesday morning.

Flight 93 changed course and altitude with no directive or contact with Air traffic control. There have been several versions reported about what happened in the cockpit whether they turned off their "squawk"(sp) box and or whether they filed a new flight plan.

one thing is certain. Wright Patterson AFB is located near Dayton Ohio. Flight 93 made the turn back toward the east coast and Washington D. C. somewhere near Cleveland Ohio.

Giving Air Traffic Control time to attempt contact with the plane and or determine if they were turning toward an alternate airport to land per FAA directive. And giving An F16 time to scramble, get in range, acquire and fire. Is it possible that flight 93 was shot down?

If we are giving in to the possibility. Realizing that there was no way anyone but a few loved ones could know of the attempt on the cockpit by some very brave and determined passengers.

Is it probable that; 1) Knowing what was going on that morning and 2) Knowing that there were several likely targets in the line of flight of this airplane ranging from Philadelphia to the White house, Capitol building or the already smoking and easy to spot Pentagon that the order was given to "splash" flight 93?

If it is likely, do you have a problem with that?

If it did happen, is the Government doing the right thing by letting these brave persons have credit for falling that plane?


According to the local paper this morning, the order was given to shoot it down, but the passengers beat our fighter jets to it.


New member
"Pennsylvania state police officials said on Thursday debris from the plane had been found up to 8 miles away [from the crash site] in a residential community where local media have quoted residents as speaking of a second plane in the area and burning debris falling from the sky." (read more on

Reportedly, there was what appeared to be human remains up to 8 miles away from the crash site.

Before anyone knew much about it, I recieved this email from a reader...

"... I just got a call from... a friend at that, who told me he just got a call from his son--who's in the Air Force--and he said he just got out of a briefing, complete with slide show of the incident, that we DID shoot down that plane in PA, in the left engine more precisely...a decision was made, more lives or less lives, and they chose the latter. Interesting info... "

I understand not releasing that information if we did shoot it down. Wouldn't be good for moral or for those family members of those hijacked... Still. I wish I knew the truth.

El Rojo

New member
The truth can't hurt here.

Heck, it would give me more confidence in our government. Those are hard decisions that need to be made, but just think of the lives and cost saved because that plane came down in rural PA. OF course it is also good for propaganda to think that the passengers retaking the plane caused it to wreck. Either way, that was the 2nd best possible ending for that horrible situation. The only thing I would have like to see different was the passengers retake and land that bird.

Long Path

New member
Nope. I don't believe it. I've heard some of the somewhat off-the-cuff remarks that our President has made, and I just don't think he's concealing anything about this. Maybe I'm a sucker.

Thing is, the NTSB guys would figure it out pretty quickly...

There's not much percentage in lying about it. I certainly would approve of the decision to shoot it down, though I'd be a little chagrined at being lied to about it.



New member
I saw the intervews with the coalminers that saw the crash. One said it looked like the plane "fell out of the sky with no power"

I have no problems with being kept in the dark. I know things go on every day in the best interests of the U.S. that are not meant for public release.

I don't think the NTSB would be a problem. They get a phone call and findings are what they're supposed to be.

Additionally this could be why the black boxes are "too damaged to be of any use" WE need to create our own version of what happened up there and the data and voice wont jibe with the official story.

I've noticed alot of views and not that many responses. If you mods feel this is inapropriate please close this thread. It is not my intention to anger anyone. I just wanted to float an idea and see what anyone else has heard.


Staff Emeritus
Frankly, I don't believe the plane was shot down.

- I don't believe our government has the ability to react that clearly, that quickly.

- I don't believe our government would dare shoot down a civilian aircraft without much debate.

- I don't believe our military would act without direct orders from our government.

- Washington Post published the following:
Todd Beamer told the GTE Airfone operator he was going to die, asked her to pray with him and uttered his last, defiant words.

"Are you guys ready?" the operator heard the 32-year-old Beamer ask fellow passengers aboard United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed into the Pennsylvania countryside 80 miles southeast of Pittsburg Tuesday. Then he said: "Let's roll."

The operator, Lisa Jefferson, heard screams and a scuffle before the line went dead, according to Beamer's wife, Lisa [Beamer] who heard the account from Jefferson."

The article notes Beamer and Jefferson were on the phone for the final 15 minutes of the flight.....

4) Therefore, I believe other reports are from mis-informed or self-serving sources.


New member
Do I believe that plane would have been shot down? Absolutely. That's what our guys in uniform are there for, to protect the country and to do the hard things that need to be done in its defense.

Do I believe it was shot down? Not really. I simply don't believe in conspiracy theories, and keeping something this big and public as a secret is too unlikely a happening for me to swallow.

Do I think the public should be told the truth about it, if it were shot down? Yup. One of the reasons a free press is so important to our freedoms is that people need to know what their elected officials and government is doing. Sometimes that includes knowing things we'd "rather not" know.

Do I think the people on that flight were heroes, even if the plane was shot out of the sky? Absolutely. There's no doubt at all that those people did fight back, regardless of what directly caused the plane crash. Their heroism stands whether it was successfully accomplished or not.



New member
According to the local papers here in S.E. PA one passenger that phoned a GTE operator stated one hijacker had what appeared to be a bomb strapped to his abdomen with a leather belt. A cell phone call made from the bathroom of the plane stated there was a "small" explosion and white smoke. Could it be that on this plane the terrorists did manage to sneak a small explosive onboard? I think that is a better question to ask.


New member
"- I don't believe our government has the ability to react that clearly, that quickly.

- I don't believe our government would dare shoot down a civilian aircraft without much debate.

- I don't believe our military would act without direct orders from our government"

All your questions have been ansewered. They have reported that they DID give the order to shoot it down. Now the only question is: did the fighter jets get there in time to shoot it down before something else took it down?

Not only that, but it was the last plane in the air (meaning plenty of time to scramble fighters), it was near a military base, and it was said to be targeting Air Force One which also has fighters to protect it.
It seems very possible to me that it was shot down, or that if not, it was damn near about to be shot down before something wierd happened. Ocham's razor tells me that the former is more distinct and likely.

Who knows, but with engine wreckage 3 miles from the main wreck sight (and other wreckage 8 miles from the crash site), it does seem that something blew an engine at least 3 miles before the plane hit the earth. The only thing I know of that could blow an engine off would be a heat-seeking missile.

I think that everyone is happier believing that the passengers took over the plane and sacrificed themselves. I don't doubt that the passengers did fight back and I am proud of them for that, but I don't think that anyone wants to deal with the fact that we shot it down instead of just leaving everyone to believe that the passeners did it. So the government isn't about to step in and take blame when everyone is content with what they know.