Part Two - TFL 2010


Member In Memoriam
I like Speedy's best.

Why would anyone think, or care to, that we'll lose?

Just take it back, damnit!

Think of a time, far past, where we, the law-abiding, could buy whatever we want - through mail order - no checks, no questions.

You misused it = you got punished. You didn't = you weren't.

Seems a bit better than a Holy-Oak Turbo-Jolt 2010 thingy.

I kinda like it the "old fashioned" way.

You know. Pull the trigger = it goes bang.

Love it, learn it, live it = just do it.

Make it happen or lose it forever.

Jeff Thomas

New member
The breakup was anti-climactic when it finally came ... the biggest question being whether the west coast would ally itself with the east, or whether it too would become a country unto itself. The western states, once considered almost backward by more 'cosmopolitan' areas of the country had actually prospered beyond belief. There seemed to be a correlation between those who loved freedom, and those most successful in the Darwinian contest of economics.

California was eventually absorbed by Mexico, and Washington and Oregon joined the freest western Canadian provinces. The east tolerated an uneasy alliance, dominated by the former New York state ... and, Kaiser Schumer ruled with an iron fist.

Crime atrophied in the Texwest states, due, supposedly, to the retained 'right to keep and bear arms' in the Constitution that was almost worshiped in this free area, running from Texas to Montana, and Arizona to the Mississippi River. Unfavorable demographics was blamed for the increase in crime elsewhere, but the disciples of Dr. John Lott offered other explanations.

Whatever the reasons for the prosperity of Texwest, President Rich Lucibella ruled lightly over a free and prosperous people in 2010 ... ;)