Parkerizing.....why so $$$$$


New member
In handguns, parkerizing is considered one of the cheapest finishes to use cost wise, yet when you start looking at shotguns they want to charge extra. What's up? Is it really more expensive to parkerize a shotgun than to blue one, or are the makers just cashing in on customer demand (greed)?


New member
Thinkin out loud.
Quantity. The more you make or do, the cheaper to do it. Usually.
Friend who blues says bluing solutions are refreshable, parkerizing solution is tossed each time. Large batches of barrels or whatever better but you still tossing the solution.



New member
I parkerize at home on the barbcue, it's kind of involved, but I 've done 3 rifles with the same solution, the instructions say to keep using it, it only seems to get better.

It DOES take a bigger tank to do a longun barrel than a pistol, and you have ot heat up more solution.