Parkerized vs. Blued


New member
I am looking to get a KT P-3AT and can't decide. I would like the hard chrome but they are hard to find at a decent price. However I can get a parkerized one for $5 more than the blue. Is the parkerized one better or worse than the blued? This will probably be an everyday pocket carry gun. Also has anyone had experience with the clip for it, I have to carry conceled here in SC.


New member
I have one and put the pocket clip on. The clip is not bad. Holds it in the pocket ok. The position of it caused the grips to be higher than my pocket on some clothing. I just recently got a DeSantis Nemesis holster Http://
I like it a lot better than the slip and took the clip off. Holds it more secure in the pocket. Since the slip is thin the Kel-Tec seemed to move around a good bit.


New member
I have a blued model. It's not blued like higher end guns; it's more silver blue. I find the top of the slide is actually too shiny, causing enough reflection that the front sight gets lost for me. I've highlighted my entire front site with white paint so it pops out for me and gives me an easier and quicker sight acquisition. The shiny top of the slide reflects the white paint in such a way that I still find myself having to tip the muzzle up a little higher than I need to so that I know I'm only looking at the front sight and not the front sight plus a little of its reflection. I've wondered whether parkerized would prevent this but don't know for sure. I think I'm going to have to strip the paint off of my front sight and just dab a little spot on it to see if that will reduce the reflection, or I'm going to have to figure out some way to dull out the top of my slide to dull out the reflection.

You should post your question over at Those guys are very helpful.

By the way, I wouldn't use the clip in my pocket. I think it's more for IWB with the clip holding the gun so it doesn't fall down the inside of your pants. I have one. Took it off because I only pocket carry this gun. If I want to IWB carry, I'm rather to put something bigger in my waistband.


New member
Thanks, I tried before posting here but for some reason that site seems to be down right now. :confused:

Bill DeShivs

New member
Either the blued or Parkerized will eventually rust with pocket carry.
Plating is the way to go with these.
Or, you can apply one of the gun paints over the Parkerized finish. I don't particularly believe in painting a gun, though.
If you have to choose between the two, get the blued one, shoot it, make sure it's reliable, and send the slide off for plating. I can do this if you don't have a plater.


New member
If you can't get plated, I would think the park would be better than blue for rust resistance, and also cheaper and easier to refinish than blue. Also an anti glare finish. Still if you can get plated it would be very rust resistant assuming the plating is good and does not flake off. I believe the military adopted park. due to better rust resistance, as well as quicker and easier finishing in production.

Bob O

New member
Parkerizing is tougher and more rust resistant than bluing. The Parked finish is not as shiny and not as slick as bluing. Parkerizing actually absorbs oil a bit which helps in rust prevention.