paranoia at work


New member
I have been giving presentations on the Revolutionary Rifleman for several decades. I dress as a Rev. Rifleman and assume his persona. I have given this presentation in schools many-many times as well as to Scouts and civic organizations. My Rev. period longrifle is part of the presentation.
Recently, I was asked to give my presentation to the 7th and 8th graders at a private Christian school. During the discussions I said my presentation included me bringing my flintlock longrifle. I was told the invitation might be withdrawn because of the "danger my rifle could be to the children".
Go figger. :mad:


New member
A flintlock rifle is spray fired from the hip with a shoulder thing that goes up and fires illegal hollowpoint cop killer armor piercing incendiary 50 caliber bullets and is capable of slaughtering 10s of innocent people an hour with hi-capacity magazines.

Sorry I had to :D

Seriously though, have you tried to tell the school exactly how un-dangerous a flintlock rifle is and how important it is to the period? As in without one, there would have been no food or... no revolution? It would be akin to going without one of those cool pointy hats!

I would try to explain to the Administration how the action of the gun works and exactly how safe it is. If it's still no go then I'd question if you're dealing with rational people.


New member
Haven't they seen Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure???...
Secretly, insurance actuaries actually rule the entire world now... That's why they get paid so much.


New member
Oh, my.

In Arkansas, no less.

Although it's my guess that you'd probably have more trouble in at least a couple of the original 13 :( (sad).



New member
Just heard it on the news this morning. Oh, My God; A man with a GUN was seen near a school." The police and swat teams are on the scene now".


New member
Yep, if they don't want the rifle, I'll decline the invite. It will be children who will be the losers and I am not happy about that.
BTW, in the past I have blank fired my rifle, a Brown Bess musket and a cannon at school. Outside, of course. Along with the presentation, I know it was an educational experience.


New member
If they push the issue, I'd ask that they identify the specific danger the rifle will cause.

In the end it is their choice so not much leverage on your end.

Do you have student contacts in the school? Perhaps you can let it be known you are doing the talk at another venue and they are welcome to stop by.
Explain to them that without that rifle they might not even have a private Christian school.

The reason for use of the rifle in the past does nothing to dispell concerns of what it might do in the future. In fact, what it did in the past is what makes it a concern now (even if the concern is unfounded).


New member
I'm not going to argue the issue. If I do and the allow me to come with it I don't want to risk being blindsided by some silly requirement to lock it in the principals office or something else equally stupid. It is a lot of work to dress and bring my equipment. I'll do it right or not at all.


New member
There is a clear danger to the children. Someone will call in weird dressed guy with a gun at the school, and 20 guys dressing in black with full automatic rifles will show up. The potential for someone getting hurt that way isn't easily denied.


New member
A lesson I learned

My wife and I contemplated sending our children to a private Christian school. This was due to our faith, the fact that the school was one of the highest ranked schools in Indiana was secondary. As we were touring the high school we heard an outburst from one of the classrooms. A young man was telling the teacher what they could do to themselves and apparently new this guy was married with children and had a sex life by the label he gave the teacher. The teacher told the young man he was free to leave and the the young man reiterated his earlier epithet. The teacher did nothing. The administrator explained that a large portion of the students were there because that they wouldn't fit in in a public school and their parents could afford the tuition. :eek: Just something to think about.


New member
I guess it depends on where you live.

Every year here they have an All Grade Art Show, showing stuff made by the students ranging from finger painting 1st graders to High School Shop class projects.

The last one I went to had three gun cabinets on display. One was empty, two had rifle in them. I did notice the bolt guns had their bolts removed but the pumps and lever actions didn't (I'm sure they were checked to make sure they were unloaded.

No one seemed all that up set. If fact I didn't hear anyone comment on the guns in school.


New member
I'm sorry to hear about the OP's difficulties.

The private school I used to attend had an NRA membership and counterprotested at some of Chicago's anti-gun rallies! :D


New member
The administrator explained that a large portion of the students were there because that they wouldn't fit in in a public school and their parents could afford the tuition.

Not all Christian schools are created equal. Some are nominally Christian and accept such students no matter the pre-existing conditions as long as parents can afford it. Avoid those. Others (I would like to think most) are committed to a Christian world view and reject such applicant families, even if it means getting by with less funding from tuition. Attend open houses and listen to adminstrators and teachers to ascertain their commitment to a Christian education and their alignment with what you want for your children to experience when in school. Moreover, commit yourself to supporting your school and its teachers both financially and by making sure your child understands the concept of consequences for one's actions (both positive and negative).