Para P-10 vs Glock 30

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New member
I know this may have been beat to death before but......

I found a consignment Para P-10 at a shop the other day for $600. The gun has been shot some but it looks like it has been carried a whole lot more than its been shot. It is stainless and the guy that works there said it was valued at about 80%. It had MMC nite sights on it also.

My question is does it stack up against a Glock 30? I have never shot a Glock but the 30 intrigues me for some reason. They had a Glock 36 there and both guns are about the same size. Is the grip of the 30 the same as the 36? The finger swells on the 36 were in the wrong place for my fat little fingers and the P-10 did feel good.

I would feel more comfortable with the Glock DA versus cocked and locked but could learn to live with that. I dont want to start a flame war here but do any of you have experience on either or both guns and what do you think?


New member

The Para P-10s are notorious for feed problems. The sole example I've had experience with was a prime example. It would choke on just about every brand of ammo we tried, including some brands of FMJ!

The Glock 30 is much better with the sole exception of 200 grain SWC style bullets. Most every 30 will choke on these. It seemed the rim of the case being extracted would dip low enough to catch the SWC shoulder of the top round in the mag and cause a jam. I think it's due to the abbreviated barrel length and the extreme amount of downward tilt it requires to unlock. Every other style of bullet/brand of ammo was completely reliable in the three pistols I've had experience with.


Make mine lean, mean, and 9x19!


New member
I am no expert on Glocks but I had a P10. Truly horrendous feeding problems. Traded it in on a HK USP45 compact and never looked back.

The Glock 30 doesn't fit my big paws at all so I have never shot one although I like it's size.



New member
As I have said many times on tfl, IMO, the 30 is simply one of the finest handguns available. It has eaten everything I have ever put in it (haven't tried the swc, 9x19). More accurate than it should be, tough as nails. Great piece, highly recommended.

D Crockett

New member
The P10 does indeed have a reputation for feeding problems. The G30 is a really fine piece,its grip is wider than the G36 as it has a higher capacity double stack mag, but the fingergrooves are likely in the same place. Check one out and see.

My advice is to look for a P12 LDA, which is has a 1/2" longer barrel, holds 2 more rounds, is a light double action(LDA), and is very dependable. It's hardly any bigger and should fit your hand well.

Good Luck,


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New member
I had a glock 30 and it was a good shooter, but i just didn't like it. i've never shot a p-10 but the p-12 i have is an excellent shooter and for the size and firepower it just can't be beat. just my humble 2 cents worth. (i just wanted to add that i bought my stainless steel para p-12 like new for $475 at the local pawnshop)

[This message has been edited by KITT (edited July 24, 2000).]


New member
I own the 36 which I prefer for fit and feel over the 30 (but like that too). The Para feels blocky to me. If you're carrying as a CCW, I'd trust one of the Glocks more.


Tupperware bullet dispensers for banal LEO's. Grab that fat chunk of plastic by the two finger grip and tell me that having all the weight on top of and out over the trigger finger is "perfection."

If you have $600 to spend on a handgun, get a SIG, HK, or even a used S&W.


New member
JackFlash, I shoot just about every type of handgun and enjoy just about all of them. I have about 35 years of experience with handguns and I am here to tell you a Glock 30 performs beyond its size. Yes, it took me more than a few times shooting Glocks to get used to the trigger but they work everytime. As 9x19 said the only time my 30 has choked is with 200 gr swcs and this is lead or jacketed. I have not heard good things about the Para 10. Regards, Richard.


New member
I have a G30 and G21. I HAD a P12. I didn't like it. Wasn't as accurate, and harder on my hand to shoot. (I have small hands)
The guy I sold it to had some trigger work, and had to replace the springs in a couple of the mags, but he loves it.


New member
I would also suggest you take a look at the PO 12.45 LDA. It has a real nice DAO trigger.
To me this would be a GREAT ccw gun.

dennie suman

New member
I have had a P-10 for a couple of years. Put several hundred rounds of assorted ammo through it, cannot make it run. I have never got it to go through a magazine without some sort of glitch. It is fantastic for clearing drills!!!!
Never fired a Glock, but it just HAS to be better.
Dennie, NRA Life Member,GOA


New member

Looks like the masses have spoken. Why pay $600 for a beat up alleged jammomatic.

If you wnat a 1911 style gun, check out Kimber.

If you want a workhorse CCW duty style .45 ACP, the G30 works for a lot of people.

The Seattle SharpShooter - TFL/GT/UGW/PCT/KTOG


New member
Jack Flash,

Someone once said: There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Glock IS Perfection! Really! You can trust me! :D

Make mine lean, mean, and 9x19!

Red Bull

New member
Some call it top-heavy, I call it bottom-lite.
At around 24 ounces, the Glock 30 is a mighty tool.
One of the most accurate guns I have ever shot.
You must shoot one though. I thought it felt like a brick in the store, but I took someone's word on it and shot one. WOW, it is a sweet shooter. It has WAY less recoil than my Colt Commander, and it holds a lot more ammo, and it is much lighter and rust proof! And it feeds anything I put in it reliably.

Everyone has an opinion, and to each his own. If some don't like Glocks on personal views, I respect that. If it doesn't feel good, or you don't like the trigger or it is ugly, that is your personal taste and I fully respect your choice in another firearm. I only get upset when people start bashing Glocks and saying untrue things about them. Yep, their ugly (I would say they are "all business"; function over fashion). Yep, they are top-heavy (or bottom-lite) but that lack of weight is a real pleasure when you carry it all day. And, you get used to the feel (it is only "top-heavy" because you are used to the feel of other guns; all things are relative). The fact that it is lightweight in the handle also helps keep it where I put it in my pocket or holster without shifting or flopping aroung. Also, they do balance much better once you load them.

I could not recommend the Glock 30 more. My Glock 30, and all my friends' are %100 reliable, extremely accurate, and they hold a lot of firepower in a very carryable package. And, the recoil on them really is dampered. I have shot my 1911's next to my G30, and there is an extremely noticable difference in felt recoil.

[This message has been edited by Red Bull (edited July 25, 2000).]


New member
Ok, I am going to put my flame suite on..I have never had a problem with the P-10 feeding, even CCI blazers, hydrashoks,and others..I didn't find it to be much of a problem to shoot although I do think the P-12 is a better choice IMHO..
I did however experience some feed problems using handloads that were loaded too "cool"
Otherwise no problems provided it was well, cleaned and lubed..I have never shot a Glock 30, so I have no opinions on that.

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New member
Same here! I've have had my P-10 for about 2 years now and have never had a issue with any type of ammo. I had a G 30, I can say it was a great gun but I did not like the idea of not being able to run lead down the hex barrel. Sold it and bought a Springfield XDm 45 ACP compact as a replacement.
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