Para-Ordnance 6.45 LLDA


New member
I like the trigger on the 14-45 LDA, and this has the same trigger. Very smooth, feels light.

Guns and Ammo did a short article on this. The list price is to be $824 when it becomes availible. It comes with thin grips, so it is slim, more manufacturers need to do this for CCW guns.

There is no beavertail, since there is no hammer spur. At 30 ounces, it seems right for concealed carry.

Personally, the Para Companion is of more interest to me. It is a Commander sized 1911-LDA. I am willing to carry a full sized grip though.


New member
Saw a 7-45 LDA at my local range/gun shop last week, so I know they are now available.It was sold in a few days. At the PARA show, here at the range, a couple of months ago, they didn't have them available.I enjoyed shooting the single stack, and am trying to decide on a KIMBER or PARA as my next purchase. The PARA sure has a nice DA action.Even I can shoot it pretty good.. Price was $665.00


New member
Just remember that the LLDA model does NOT take standard 1911 magazines (at least that's what the Para brochure says in a footnote). Para's slightly larger 6*45 LDA compact takes standard magazines, so if reliability with the factory ones is an issue, you can try Wilsons or another brand.

The LDA is probably the one I'd get.