Para-Ordinance LDA .45 or .40 experience?


New member
Wondering if anyone has shoot this model enough yet to have a solid opinion about its performance? Particularly interested in the .40 if anyone has one yet. Regards, Dennis


New member
A guy on my shooting team has one in .40, and loves it to death. Personally, I think it is THE gun to shoot in Production Class (IPSC) if that ever gets off the ground.

I don't like the trigger...and let me explain. It is SMOOTH through the arc of travel (5.5 lbs on the old scale), and breaks very cleanly. I have some trouble shooting his gun (instead of any of my P14's or standard 1911's) because of the long (for a 1911) reset. I can't seem to get my finger to go forward enough to reset the trigger every time :)

That is just me, as he does very well with it.

I called Para a few weeks ago asking about a LDA 'limited', and was told to get ready to buy one at the end of the year. I'll get one.



New member
Wakal (or others): Hi! What's the advantage of the LDA "Limited" over the current LDA. Sorry, but I shoot a Smith 945 and SIGs so don't know much about Para-Ordinance. Regards, Dennis


New member
I have put about 1,500 rounds or so through my 14.45 LDA. I like it! It doesnt like to feed semi-wad cutters but besides that I dont have any complaints.

Might trade it in on a LDA Limited though.
That would be a nice gun.


New member
Para makes a "Limited" version of their other pistols. Forward cocking serrations, low-mounted adjustable sight, dovetailed front sight, ambi. safety...kind of a 'customized' version.

Really just the same frame fitted with the different safety and a nifty slide.

Falls under the theory of "why not spend the few extra dollars and get the upgrade version".
