Para Ordanance Hi-Cap Quality and Reliability


New member
Hey there I have been considering buying a Para Ordanance Hi-Cap 1911 for a good deal. After having bought my first semi auto M&P .40 I love it and have been wanting to buy a 1911. The problem is all the 1911 .45 I tried, I never found one that I liked. The feel of the gun in my hand was never quite right, not anything that I was completely taken by at least. Then the other day I was in my local firearms shop and somebody showed me the Para Hi-Cap. I immediately realized this gun was for me. There was something different about the feel to the gun that set it aside from the other 1911 models I had tried. So I went home and researched the gun to see what people said about its quality and reliability without much success. The most I found out is that this is a gun that is given to soldiers being deployed. As for reliability and quality there were a number of mixed reviews. Some people raved on and on about how great it is while others were less than satisfied. Although it seemed those that had complaints it had to do with para than the actual pistol. The gun I am looking at buying is the same as in the pic attached. This is not the actual gun I am looking at but just a photo of the same model and color (Sorry for the poor resolution). I was wondering if anyone here has had the opportunity to own one of these or has any experience as to the quality and reliability of the gun or even para in general. Any input would be great thanks.


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New member
I bought one of these new several years ago. It was absolutely 100% reliable. For some stupid reason I sold it to finance some other handgun purchase. I know Paras get mixed reviews, but I liked mine and should never have sold it.


Well, I carry a P12. And I've been so happy with it, I picked up three more. I shoot 'em all and I only wish I was as reliable...

G. Freeman

New member
I have not bought any Para products in over a decade. Then this year I found out Para is finally ditching the PXT in all models and added some neat features to some models. Para has been working hard to get our business and it shows. If you buy the pistol and the PXT gives you any trouble, just call Para and they will send you their new EGW heavy duty extractor for free. It may need tuning though as it did on my gun.

No regrets w/ my purchase and I may buy more Para products in the future.