Para Ord LDA Question


New member
Was reading a Guns & Ammo in the Barber Shop today, and they had an article about the Para LDA guns.

I have some questions.

-Who here has/likes them?
-How's the function/reliability?
-How's the trigger for rapid fire?
-Can you thumb-cock the hammer, or will it simply fall back down if you pull it back and fire the weapon?


Dyno 10

New member
I have the 7-45 LDA which is basically a single stack double action.
Has the same weight and balance of traditional 1911. I have about 1500 rounds through it with no problems whatsoever. You cannot thumb cock hammer as it will fall back. Must engage grip safety to rack slide. Fast consistent trigger-best DA I have experienced. No complaints from me.:) :cool:


New member
I've got a 16-40 LDA, and I like it; it's a "neat" pistol, and everyone who's tried it can't believe how light the trigger-pull is. If you an imagine a Glock with a smooth, light 2 1/2 pull, that's about what my LDA feels like. I've never had a feeding problem with mine, but one of the top IPSC shooters in my area found that it wouldn't cycle fast enough for his liking; he'd have to pull the trigger a second time because the disconnector was still active the first time. I've never had that problem, but I can't fire 4 shots per second. The mechanism is DAO; you can thumb the hammer back, but it won't stay back; however, the trigger has to be PULLED to fire, just thumbing the hammer back and releasing it won't fire the pistol.


New member
Hmm. I've decided that I want a double stack .45. I ordered a Para Ordnance P14 14 round magazine today. I figure even if I don't get the Para (unlikely, as the P14-45 Limited has an ambi saftey) the double stack guns from Kimber and Springfield take Para mags, AFAIK.

I'm either going to get P14-45 LTD or a LDA-14-45 LTD.


New member
I have 3 LDAs and like them all. The trigger pull is very light for a DAO design. You can't re-cock the hammer without cycling the slide. Accuracy is good, but a single action pull is still better. If you're planning to carry concealed, one of the small LDAs is hard to beat. If you're just planning to have a target shooter, I don't really see the need for LDA - it's biggest advantage is CCW.


New member
This may be a dumb question but you don't have to carry the LDA with the safety engaged, right? I'd be interested in the Para Carry model if you don't.


New member
That's right, MK11, but the trigger pull is SO light that I wouldn't feel comfortable carrying it without the safety engaged; it would be too easy to fire a round simply by holstering the pistol.

juliet charley

New member
You don't have to carry the safety engaged. The trigger pull is very light (far better/lighter than any Glock of my experience), but you still have the grip safety that must be depressed before it can fire. If you have no problem carrying a Glock, you should have no problem carrying the LDA with the thumb safety disengaged.


New member
I have a Para 12 LDA and it is the second best factory pistol I have fired. What is better? My Walther P88 but my P12 is a keeper. Regards, Richard


New member
LDA14-45 owner here , very impressed and so are my leo friends (conditon one without looking it ) , as for the saftey being one I would recommend it ,the triger is light , and I wouldn't place my saftey in the control of grip safety either, as for usage I have over 5k rounds thru it and it is an accurate firearm , as for the ambi safety , I am sure a good smith could install one for you . IMO-good buy


New member
I was looking at an LDA at the local gun shop. Don't own one but will as soon as finances permit. I was able to thumb cock the hammer without racking the slide if I had the grip safety engaged. Was this one broken? I held it in my right hand with a normal grip and used my left thumb to thumb cock it.


New member
I just tried a essentially brand new range demo model. The range has only been open a couple months and the 45 was not even that old. The model was a Para LDA with the 4in barrel and smaller grip. In 50 rds it was accurate. The trigger seemed to have virtually no pressure through half its travel, then very consistent trigger pull of probably 3-4 lbs. Mine had a Chip McCormik?sp. magazine. the gun failed to close the slide when hung up on the following rd. It also had one light primer strike. Other than that I liked it, but I think I would want a full size model. I was surprised one of the 4 cop/owners working the counter tried to sell it to me when it had only 96% reliability.


New member

I have a P-14ltd, after changing, factory sites with Novak nite sites, Wolff +10% mag springs, Houge grips. I have what i consider excellent combat weapon. The gun is box stock other than that.

This gun is accurate & 100% reliable.

If they made one in 10mm i would have to say it would be the ultimate CCW gun or duty weapon.

I have not shot the LDA model, but have heard good & bad things. The above posters all seem to be impressed.



New member
How much did the Novak sights/installation cost? There are few 'smiths around here; I'd have to send the weapon off someplace, like Arizona Response Systems or Gemini Customs. I'd probably have it refinished too.

Do you feel the +10% mag springs are necessary for reliable operation of the magazines?


New member
Nightcrawler, Cost for site installatio = 257.00. Cost of sites + labor.

I prefer +10% springs. The ones that came with the weapon were inferiour.
