Papa's B-Day Gift--Nagant


New member
Papa (my father in law) has a birthday on Friday, and we got his present in last night. The new revolver is actually rather impressive for a Russian piece. I may have to pick one up for myself. The ammo isn't dirt cheap, but it's cheaper than a lot of ammo out there. I think it would actually be a good little trail gun where predators aren't a concern. I haven't shot it yet, though. I'm sure he'll let me put a few rounds through it.

The finish was good, double action trigger is awful, and the sights are tiny. Honestly, though, I'd buy 4 of these before I bought a Phoenix, Jimenez, or other zinc-alloy gun. I figure, worst case scenario, I can use the front sight for some damage!


New member
I am assuming that you mean the M-1895 Nagant revolver. Have one for a couple of years now and they are a fun gun to shoot despite the crappy trigger. They have a long history as well. Besides being a military service revolver from 1895 through the second world war they were used by Cheka, OGPU , NKVD, and regular police often with snubbed barrels for the undercover types. They even showed up in Vietnam as suppressed assassination weapons use by the VC.


New member
Very unique design, lots of history, and just plain fun! Papa should be very happy. Now it's time for Santa to set you up with one.:D


New member
Are you buying non-corrosive ammo for it? If not, remind him to flush it with hot water after cleaning and then to clean and oil again. ;)


New member
One of the reasons I got it for him is because he likes that Russian and other Eurasian militaria. He loved it. I didn't think he'd like it that much, but apparently we did very well. Once the craziness blows over, I'll probably get one for me.