Palm Pistol is Class 1 Medical Device


New member
and now for something completely different...

...the FDA has completed its “Device/Not a Device” determination and concluded the handgun will be listed as a Class I Medical Device, exempt from 510(k) Pre-Market Notification in accordance with 21 CFR 890.5050 “Daily Activity Assist Device.”


I wonder whether it will be covered by medicare :D


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Matt Carmel's Genius

As a Freelance Writer, I was contacted by Matt Carmel after an article I had done on the problems experienced by the disabled in shooting traditional firearms was published in Concealed Carry Magazine. I’ve been following his battle with the government trying to get his product licensed as a medical device. I love people who march to the beat of a different drummer.


New member
A modern version of a 19th century "gambler's special". I think this is much too precious in its market to make it.

Cordially, Jack
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New member
From the second link
I want to see liberals' heads explode when they realize that Socialized medicine is being used to buy people guns.

More likely somebodies granny's head will explode when she thinks it in an inhaler:eek:

I liked the trickery, but this will never fly. There isn't even a working prototype or it would have been in the picture. Where's the safety on the thing? all you have to do is make a fist and it fires. It looks like a good hoax on the FDA and little more.


New member
I think it's great! I'd love to get one for my grandmother, no seriously... she has more guns than I do, but her RA is getting bad.


New member
More likely somebodies granny's head will explode when she thinks it in an inhaler
Am I evil for thinking, "Well, that will solve the Medicare and Social Security crisis in one go," after reading that?:eek: