Painted Wooden Grips?


New member
Has anyone ever seen painted wooden grips on a handgun? My wife has a Beretta 420 (engraved 418) with ugly pink glittery grips. There are pics in the Pocket Pistol ID thread I started a while back.

Anyway, in an effort to get her more interested in shooting and possible getting a CHL, I was thinking of getting some custom grips made for her. We know a guy who does really great pin striping, like on old lead sleds. So, I'm thinking black wooden grips with a pin-stripe knot type design. Of course, then I wonder how will it affect the grip on the gun, and how will it hold up?

If anyone has any insight, please let me know. Thanks!


New member
Yeah. Colt used to supply wood grips painted black with their earlier SS guns. Looked great, especially with the silver medallions in place, but they tended to chip over time.


New member
In painting wood grips, the same constraints hold as painting any wood subject to heavy abrasion from handling.

The tricks are to use a hard, tough paint, and to apply a heavy clear sealer over the paint to add a protective layer.
One of the Epoxy paints similar to something like Lauer Duracoat or one of the tougher automotive paints will stand up better than standard paints.

Do it right with the right materials and a painted finish can last quite well.